书籍 Vulcan's Hammer的封面

Vulcan's Hammer

Philip K. Dick









Objective, unbiased and hyperrational, the Vulcan 3 should have been the perfect ruler. The omnipotent computer dictates policy that is in the best interests of all citizens—or at least, that is the idea. But when the machine, whose rule evolved out of chaos and war, begins to lose control of the “Healer” movement of religious fanatics and the mysterious force behing their rebellion, all Hell breaks loose.

Written in 1960, Philip K. Dick’s paranoid novel imagines a totalitarian state in which hammer-headed robots terrorize citizens and freedom is an absurd joke. William Barrios, the morally conflicted hero, may be the only person who can prevent the battle for control from destroying the world—if, that is, he can decide which side he’s on.

Winner of both the Hugo and John W. Campbell awards for best novel, widely regarded as the premiere science fiction writer of his day, and the object of cult-like adoration from his legions of fans, Philip K. Dick has come to be seen in a literary light that defies classification in much the same way as Borges and Calvino. With breathtaking insight, he utilizes vividly unfamiliar worlds to evoke the hauntingly and hilariously familiar in our society and ourselves.

PKD早期作品,中篇扩写改编。未来世界是一个“机器极权”社会,人类听从一个叫Vulcan 3的超级计算机的指令行事,而人类的反抗组织“Healer”的目标就是摧毁这台计算机。同时人类官僚互相之间勾心斗角谋求上位,官员Barris无意中卷入了一个有关Vulcan 3的惊天秘密,在一股新出现的第三方势力影响下,Healer、Vulcan 3和神秘势力展开了殊死决斗。前面的设置比较“1984”,中段发现新的势力写得还可以,结尾又是烂俗的一通乱打,早年PKD还挺喜欢写HE。总体来说比较一般,偏下水准。