书籍 A Thousand Years of Good Prayers的封面

A Thousand Years of Good Prayers

Yiyun Li


Random House







Brilliant and original, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers introduces a remarkable new writer whose breathtaking stories are set in China and among Chinese Americans in the United States. In this rich, astonishing collection, Yiyun Li illuminates how mythology, politics, history, and culture intersect with personality to create fate. From the bustling heart of Beijing, to a fast-food restaurant in Chicago, to the barren expanse of Inner Mongolia, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers reveals worlds both foreign and familiar, with heartbreaking honesty and in beautiful prose.

“Immortality,” winner of The Paris Review’s Plimpton Prize for new writers, tells the story of a young man who bears a striking resemblance to a dictator and so finds a calling to immortality. In “The Princess of Nebraska,” a man and a woman who were both in love with a young actor in China meet again in America and try to reconcile the lost love with their new lives.

“After a Life” illuminates the vagaries of marriage, parenthood, and gender, unfolding the story of a couple who keep a daughter hidden from the world. And in “A Thousand Years of Good Prayers,” in which a man visits America for the first time to see his recently divorced daughter, only to discover that all is not as it seems, Li boldly explores the effects of communism on language, faith, and an entire people, underlining transformation in its many meanings and incarnations.

These and other daring stories form a mesmerizing tapestry of revelatory fiction by an unforgettable writer.

Written at a time when she knew how to write but not what to write. Anyway, a good try for someone so eager to prove herself to the public.
3-4 stars. Def overrated.
李翊云第一次写小说,是用英语。她是中国人,1973年生,北大生物系毕业后到美国留学。她说:英语给她表达的自由。 在书虫看到她,非常欣赏。那种淳朴诚实的气质,和她自己喜欢的小说的“villageness"的风格,倒是相承。会场上,她不知说了几次抱歉不了解,不知道,所以回答不了你的问题。啊,我有多久没有见过这样的“自然”人。 中国作家里她喜欢沈从文和老舍。外国则是她一再提及的爱尔兰作家William Trevor,后者小说的人物身上便有她为之着迷的villageness。
不知道是不是因为刚从🇺🇸带回来 竟然很喜欢。最戳的是精巧的结构和直击人心的小人物故事 “deep down we are all human beings”
读到不少亮点,比如对父母的刻画,对邻里生活和乡村闲话的描摹,入木三分,让我无数次读到自己身边的人和事,最后一篇 A Thousand Years of Good Prayers 尤其喜欢。有几部短篇中的情节设置让我略感不适,比起母语作者,李翊云文笔也比较一般,但她的写法确实符合西方读者的口味,在美国大获好评也不意外。
对于中国人的心态抓得真好,好多细节都非常relatable 特别是读到a thousand years of good prayers的时候太有共鸣了,当你成长在一门缺少情感表达的语言中,你会寻找另一门更加liberating的语言来寄托自我。这种心情大概从中学时代为了不让爹妈看懂自己的日记而开始用英文就开始了🚬