书籍 Gold Boy, Emerald Girl的封面

Gold Boy, Emerald Girl

Yiyun Li


Random House







In these spellbinding stories, Yiyun Li, Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award winner and acclaimed author of A Thousand Years of Good Prayers and The Vagrants , gives us exquisite fiction filled with suspense, depth, and beauty, in which history, politics, and folklore magnificently illuminate the human condition.

In the title story, a professor introduces her middle-aged son to a favorite student, unaware of the student’s true affections. In “A Man Like Him,” a lifelong bachelor finds kinship with a man wrongly accused of an indiscretion. In “The Proprietress,” a reporter from Shanghai travels to a small town to write an article about the local prison, only to discover a far more intriguing story involving a shopkeeper who offers refuge to the wives and children of inmates. In “House Fire,” a young man who suspects his father of sleeping with the young man’s wife seeks the help of a detective agency run by a group of feisty old women.

Written in lyrical prose and with stunning honesty, Gold Boy, Emerald Girl reveals worlds strange and familiar, and cultures both traditional and modern, to create a mesmerizing and vibrant landscape of life.

Yiyun Li grew up in Beijing, China, and moved to the United States after she got B.S. from Peking University in 1996. She received an MFA in creative nonfiction from the Nonfiction Writing Program at the University of Iowa and an MFA in fiction from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Her stories and essays have been published in The New Yorker,[2] The Paris Review, and Zoetrope: All-S...


# 她笔下的故事,好像独特地属于某个时代,无法跳脱。如同她的英语写作,精确地卡在了non-native speaker的界限上不逾越一步。读起来会觉得刻意,刻意融入那些时代的元素,刻意直译中文表述。相比一些作者刻意地表现轻松驾驭英语,她甚至是刻意让自己的东西读起来是刻意的。 在小说里,时间流淌地很慢,连痛苦都开始褪色。那些宿命论的悲剧色彩彷佛与个体无关,只是他们所属时代的脚注。故事里任何的赞扬读起来都像是嘲讽。这都是什么样的《金童玉女》呢?
Loneliness serves as a psychological syndrome of our time and is, not surprisingly, in Yiyun Li's stories, distorted or even mystified in China. However, unlike the typical American writers such as McCullers, Li's version of loneliness is depicted in a mundanely cruel way, rendered somewhat sadly legendary by her acute insight and craftsmanship.
时隔几年,再次重读这本书,而我自己也不再是那个愤怒的英语系学生,也开始用英文写作。除开那几个仍然让我不耐烦的毛病(太多金句、冷漠的人物、平实到贫乏的语言),这次回看终于体会到一些属于她的优点,以简单的语言勾勒出深厚的情感,这一点看似简单其实非常难以办到,是以人物之间独特的关系(unhappily together)和氛围营造出来的。
Kindness and House Fire. Great craftsmanship. Cold and pessimistic characters with a tiny glitter of hoping fire for happiness, reservedly struggle against fate or silently succumb to it. Lives in changing times, acknowledge their own changes but unable to be vocal about their inner changes that seem to defy so much the old traditions.
“They were lonely and sad people, all three of them, and they would not make one another less sad, but they could, with great care, make a world that would accommodate their loneliness. “
Yiyun is so good at storytelling