书籍 Saturday的封面


Ian McEwan









In his triumphant new novel, Ian McEwan, the bestselling author of Atonement, follows an ordinary man through a Saturday whose high promise gradually turns nightmarish. Henry Perowne–a neurosurgeon, urbane, privileged, deeply in love with his wife and grown-up children–plans to play a game of squash, visit his elderly mother, and cook dinner for his family. But after a minor traffic accident leads to an unsettling confrontation, Perowne must set aside his plans and summon a strength greater than he knew he had in order to preserve the life that is dear to him.

Ian McEwan is the bestselling author of more than ten books, including the novels Atonement, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award and the W. H. Smith Literary Award, The Comfort of Strangers and Black Dogs, both shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Amsterdam, winner of the Booker Prize, and The Child in Time, winner of the Whitbread Award, as well as the story collecti...


I was totally blown away. Fantastic plot!
Recognise bad luck when see it, and look out for people. Prise from addictions of someone, meanwhile minimise miseries of others since all you can do is make them comfortable. Political points of view are never cocooned by sophisticated phrases. Totalitarian only in different form, still scatterd,weak, but growing and thirsty for killing. Bingo!
the theme is fine but we really no need 270ish pages to realize that…it’s just not as inspiring as you’d expect, and further enhances my bias together middle class male perspective: what good things could they think about??
不管怎么样I have this. And only this.
令人意外的畅快阅读!只写了一个周六发生的事件,非常缓慢的情节推进。作者完全是靠描写对事物的细致观察和生活经验抓住读者,毫无招数,纯拼内力。 有几点不满意的地方:1. 主角人设太精英化了。脑外科医生,爱好高雅,打壁球听古典音乐,律师老婆,两个孩子一个诗人一个音乐家..善良正义及其理智(利用医学专业知识保护自己免于被殴打事后都会觉得内疚)2.作者知识积累极深厚,医学、音乐,诗歌都几乎达到专业水准。但写得太细,难免让人觉得卖弄而且无必要,很多东西读者不一定能领会。譬如描写一首吉他即兴曲,提到the unsettled 7th note,我是最近一年练吉他学习了一些乐理才明白是什么意思。3.细腻得有些磨叽,譬如被歹徒挟持那段,如果让刚刚故去的cormac mccarthy来写一定更精彩。
neuronovel的代表性作品。读了n+1上谈the rise of the neuronovel的文章,作者Marco Roth对这一类型的批判还是挺有道理的,他认为neuronovel将人类不寻常的心理状态固定为特定神经疾病的产物,以至于我们读者无法再与其感同身受。但我初读的感想还是跟Proust Was A Neuroscientist的作者Jonah Lehrer的立场比较一致,麦克尤恩在书中仍然贡献了一些有关含混意识非常美丽的抒情段落,而在临近结尾的高潮部分,Baxter受到诗歌的感化也仍然体现出人类意识的可能性超乎neuroscience的解释力。不过在这方面我大概还是得多读点书,希望能够发现literature和(neuro)science之间更多样化的相互关系吧。