As boys, George, the son of a Midlands vicar, and Arthur, living in shabby genteel Edinburgh, find themselves in a vast and complex world at the heart of the British Empire. Years later—one struggling with his identity in a world hostile to his ancestry, the other creating the world’s most famous detective while in love with a woman who is not his wife–their fates become inextricably connected.
In Arthur & George , Julian Barnes explores the grand tapestry of late-Victorian Britain to create his most intriguing and engrossing novel yet.
朱利安·巴恩斯(Julian Barnes)
《亚瑟与乔治》是除布克奖获奖作品《终结的感觉》外,巴恩斯最接近拿到布克奖的小说。2005年布克奖竞争异常激烈,凭借《亚瑟与乔治》,巴恩斯获得超过诺贝尔奖得主J. M. 库切和石黑一雄的票选。二选一终选环节,评委争执不下,甚至为了《亚瑟与乔治》延后了颁奖时间。尽管与布克奖失之交臂,《亚瑟与乔治》却得到了“布克奖无冕之王”的美誉。