书籍 Playing to Win的封面

Playing to Win

A.G. Lafley







The only strategy book you'll ever need If strategy is about creating a competitive advantage that allows a firm to win, then pinpointing your strategy to a few critically important choices will dramatically increase your chances of success. This is especially true in the volatile and complex environment that has become the norm for all of us. Yet the authors of Playing to Win, A. G. Lafley, the former CEO of Procter & Gamble and one of the most successful business leaders of the last century, and Roger Martin, Dean of the Rotman School of Management, say most firms shy away from these difficult strategic choices, settling instead for false approaches that can lead to irreversible blunders. Among the most common: * Mistaking tactics for strategy * Using "the world is changing" excuse to make it up as you go * Tweaking outdated plans to minimize disruption * Leaning on strategy consultants to make the tough choices Don't be most firms. Drawn on their years of experience working together and separately at P&G and the Rotman School of Management, Lafley and Martin present a deceptively simple set of exercises and questions that can guide the decisions of anyone in an organization. The book helps you and those who work with you to figure out the relationship of the day-to-day work to larger strategic goals--something woefully lacking from many strategy books but also from the real world. There are plenty of books written by CEOs that champion the work that, truthfully, only they could do, in their unique circumstances with their considerable resources. Playing to Win is different. It's a strategy book for everyone, that works everywhere. Once you open it you'll see why it's the only strategy book you'll ever need


 现任宝洁董事长兼CEO。2000年,雷富礼在宝洁的市值极度缩水时临危受命,出任董事长兼CEO一职,在9年任期里,他成功让宝洁“焕发青春”——市值增幅超过1000亿美元,年销售额超10亿美元的品牌从10个增加到了24个。2010年年初,他从宝洁退休,出任私募基金Clayton Dubilier & Rice公司高级顾问。2013年,66岁的雷富礼“王者归来”,接替麦睿博再度出任宝洁董事长兼CEO。这一次,他开始在供应链、营销架构、阻止构架、品牌组合等方面进行大刀阔斧的改革,希望将一个崭新的宝洁呈现在大众面前。

 经典畅销书《游戏规则颠覆者》(The Game Changer)作者之一。同时,他还为《哈佛商业评论》杂志撰写文章。


 曾任多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院院长一职,现为马丁繁荣研究所(Martin Prosperity I...


Where to play & how to win are the choices system. If you don’t know what to do or how to choose, just ask “ what would have to be true ”. Then you will get the answers.
16. To do or not to do, this is a question.
P&G 商業戰略
6/14/2021 29分钟扫完)是我最看不上的商业书常见的文风: 先射箭再画靶。我最讨厌的就是作者要说某个point(甚至还是比较common sense的point)都要举些不痛不痒的商业例子。哦,xx公司注意创新了,研发了xxx适应了xxxx潮流,所以它存活下来了(长篇大论)Like ppl can learn sth from that mundane story. 举例子本身我很支持,但例子得真的有闪光点啊,不然都是凑字数。本书唯一特别之处,就是在strategy planning的最后一步加上what management systems are required for that的思考。
Roger Martin变成了我们公司的灵魂导师,全司上下认真研读,看了第二遍,当成红色语录一样,每次review之前吼出几句,包治百病,屡试不爽~