书籍 HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across的封面

HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across

Harvard Business Review








To achieve your goals and get ahead, you need to rally people behind you and your ideas. But how do you do that when you lack formal authority? Or when you have a boss who gets in your way? Or when you're juggling others' needs at the expense of your own?

By managing up, down, and across the organization. Your success depends on it, whether you're a young professional or an experienced leader.

The "HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across" will help you:

- Advance your agenda--and your career--with smarter networking

- Build relationships that bring targets and deadlines within reach

- Persuade decision makers to champion your initiatives

- Collaborate more effectively with colleagues

- Deal with new, challenging, or incompetent bosses

- Navigate office politics

因为是文章的合集,缺点是不够深入,但是基础架构和思路很棒。Network analysis 那章很有启发; 一起实现共赢的化敌为友的3R(Redirection, Reciprocity, Rationality): "If you give and then ask for something right away in return, you don't establish a relationship; you carry out a transaction. "
1. to understand others; 2. give-and-take; 3. be yourself and be transparent; 4. focus on issues, not personalities; 5. stay connected; 6. self-awareness + self-regulation + motivation + empathy + social skills; 7. redirection + reciprocity + rationality.
实在是太浅了 不是很有用 有一些takeaway 就是需要帮助别人 建立connection 这一点要开始从现在起多做 不再只和buddy hang out 了
A must read to survive American corporate culture
A easy reading book. Quite general and practical. I wish I had read it in my 20s. It is divided into two parts. Manage up to boss and boss’s boss; and manage across to peers and subordinates. Good learning. highly recommend if you work in international company.
Manager dual role是coach n developer也是evaluator n judge,与你是互相合作和依赖的关系,了解他的目标、压力、优缺点、informed的尺度、做决策的思考方式,沟通清楚你的发展目标和需求,寻求资源支持和长期发展建议。对于micromanage的领导,了解其深层原因看能否建立信任。对incompetent boss,找到能推进工作的方法,寻求其他人或上级帮助,避免负面情绪。Managing across先建立专业感和信任避免敌意排斥,再以共同利益加上动人的数据例子来吸引说服。引起人注意的邮件开门见山提诉求,给一些context to refresh your memory,联结big pic, end with a call to action。