书籍 The 5 AM Club的封面

The 5 AM Club

Robin Sharma







Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.

ROBIN SHARMA is a globally respected humanitarian. Widely considered one of the world’s top leadership and personal optimization advisors, his clients include famed billionaires, professional sports superstars and many Fortune 100 companies. The author’s #1 bestsellers such as The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, The Greatness Guide and The Leader Who Had No Title, are in over 92 lan...


早起;健身,计划 journal and meditate,读书,做high impact的事情;远离社交媒体。就这样,不用花时间读这本书了。
可读性很差,绝对是成功学畅销书的陷阱!中心思想其实一句话可以概括:每天5点起床,头20分钟(动态)运动,之后20分钟(静态)冥想,写作,最后20分钟学习和成长,并且全程禁用电子产品!(我想我还是算了)。抛开这个核心思想,本书写得太浮夸了!旁叙的写法,让我误以为闯入了某邪教宣导会的现场... 除了负责“宣讲”的灵魂导师,本书主人公有一个濒临自杀的entrepreneur, 一个为了break rule而存在的artist,和一个曾经富有过的homeless man/billionaire。直到3个chapter之后我才意识到本书是一个小说而不是传统成功学的作品,成功学套路太深了。
The first hours of the day are where heroes are made.If you want to master your life,start by owning the mornings.Freedom from distraction at 5:00 a.m.will allow you to build your creativity,maximize your fitness and protect your serenity in an age of complexity.
这种写作手法实在是读不下去 配图还有点内容 拜拜了
I made it through a few chapters hoping it would get somewhere. It never did.
作者你要是写Fiction,就实实在在写Fiction,别把书放到Self Help和Nonfiction里行吗?
怎么说呢…这本书的价值就在于,我在一路坚持读完这令人发指、脚趾扣地的尴尬写作的过程中才意识到,deep deep deep down,我的内心是有多么向往成为一个早起的人。我……在此谢过。
套话太多,要素:早起;20-20-20原则,分别用于运动、冥想与学习上;平衡工作与休闲。 “Every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a beginner, Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats, once they've routinized the right habits.”这句话还挺受用。