书籍 Inside Apple的封面

Inside Apple

Adam Lashinsky


Business Plus







INSIDE APPLE reveals the secret systems, tactics and leadership strategies that allowed Steve Jobs and his company to churn out hit after hit and inspire a cult-like following for its products.

If Apple is Silicon Valley's answer to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, then author Adam Lashinsky provides readers with a golden ticket to step inside. In this primer on leadership and innovation, the author will introduce readers to concepts like the "DRI" (Apple's practice of assigning a Directly Responsible Individual to every task) and the Top 100 (an annual ritual in which 100 up-and-coming executives are tapped a la Skull & Bones for a secret retreat with company founder Steve Jobs).

Based on numerous interviews, the book offers exclusive new information about how Apple innovates, deals with its suppliers and is handling the transition into the Post Jobs Era. Lashinsky, a Senior Editor at Large for Fortune, knows the subject cold: In a 2008 cover story for the magazine entitled The Genius Behind Steve: Could Operations Whiz Tim Cook Run The Company Someday he predicted that Tim Cook, then an unknown, would eventually succeed Steve Jobs as CEO.

While Inside Apple is ostensibly a deep dive into one, unique company (and its ecosystem of suppliers, investors, employees and competitors), the lessons about Jobs, leadership, product design and marketing are universal. They should appeal to anyone hoping to bring some of that Apple magic to their own company, career, or creative endeavor.

31 Inside Apple by Adam Lashinsky 12/08/2013 点评:此书出版于2012年,Jobs刚刚过世没多长时间,Fostall当时还在苹果,Cook刚刚上任CEO没多久,这本书算是当时作者根据他对苹果文化以及各个高层的了解,对苹果未来所做的预言,两年过去了,应该说到目前为止预言还算准确,苹果从一个顶级的卓越公司,变成了一个逐渐平庸但是确依旧伟大的公司,一切的一切,只因Jobs的离去,变革的到来总会带来阵痛,但是从目前的情况来看,Tim Cook带领下的苹果依旧走在一条正确的道路上。从这点来看,Jobs的选择是没错的。反正总比佛格森退休前选择莫耶斯的决定正确太多了(好像有点偏题)。作为果粉,建议阅读此书,评价四颗星。
把以下这些词儿放到一家公司身上是有悖现代商业理论但想想又是自然的:tyranny, silo, narcissist, isolated, focused, masterpiece, revolution. 我每次读Jobs都有点读秦始皇的味道。
看晚了 😏
有价值的篇章不多,读者可以清楚Apple 内部senior executive 的基本架构,和他们的个性阐释,对于理解Apple内部文化提供了基础。想要在Apple成功,必须要偏执各种details, learn how to present.
Include good pieces.
非果粉,对IT创业方面的书并不感兴趣……看这本书的原因是因为prof布置要看。Jobs是一个神人,而Apple的独特性——单一负责人制;集中开发一任产品;基本不迎合消费者心态;因为想生产这类产品所以生产而不是为了Money;产品少;事必躬亲亲自监督产品生产与销售。前半本说得挺有道理,后一半让我没法集中心思读……Anyway,Jobs独裁的方式+个人的才能是Apple成功的因素。大企业细管理是本书的重中之重……另外Tim Cook和Steve Jobs让我想起大副和小贱这真是莫名其妙啊……