书籍 Advanced R的封面

Advanced R

Hadley Wickham







Advanced R presents useful tools and techniques for attacking many types of R programming problems, helping you avoid mistakes and dead ends. With more than ten years of experience programming in R, the author illustrates the elegance, beauty, and flexibility at the heart of R.

The book develops the necessary skills to produce quality code that can be used in a variety of circumstances. You will learn:

-The fundamentals of R, including standard data types and functions

-Functional programming as a useful framework for solving wide classes of problems

-The positives and negatives of metaprogramming

-How to write fast, memory-efficient code

This book not only helps current R users become R programmers but also shows existing programmers what’s special about R. Intermediate R programmers can dive deeper into R and learn new strategies for solving diverse problems while programmers from other languages can learn the details of R and understand why R works the way it does.

Hadley is Chief Scientist at RStudio and Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Rice University. He is interested in building better tools for data science. His work includes R packages for data analysis (ggvis, dplyr, tidyr); packages that make R less frustrating (lubridate for dates, stringr for strings, httr for accessing web APIs, rvest for webscraping); and that make it easier...


读的在线版本。Wickham 大神真是太谦虚了,要是我,直接起名《The R Programming Language》……章节的小标题再斟酌下就更好了。给这本书做笔记有点痛苦,因为经常一整页都是重点……
66. @20161111. 做个补记。读书就要读大师的作品。如果只能选一本书的话,R的书我会毫不犹豫选这本。真男神!
讲得比较基础 再基础的东西就要靠人肉编译器了
为了 RCPP~
Very to the point.
怎么用R编程,functional programming要玩得溜,但是对于我这样的调包侠目前实操性或许不强。