书籍 A Man Called Ove的封面

A Man Called Ove

Fredrik Backman


Atria Books







In this bestselling and “charming debut” (People) from one of Sweden’s most successful authors, a grumpy yet loveable man finds his solitary world turned on its head when a boisterous young family moves in next door.

Meet Ove. He’s a curmudgeon—the kind of man who points at people he dislikes as if they were burglars caught outside his bedroom window. He has staunch principles, strict routines, and a short fuse. People call him “the bitter neighbor from hell.” But must Ove be bitter just because he doesn’t walk around with a smile plastered to his face all the time?

Behind the cranky exterior there is a story and a sadness. So when one November morning a chatty young couple with two chatty young daughters move in next door and accidentally flatten Ove’s mailbox, it is the lead-in to a comical and heartwarming tale of unkempt cats, unexpected friendship, and the ancient art of backing up a U-Haul. All of which will change one cranky old man and a local residents’ association to their very foundations.

A feel-good story in the spirit of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry and Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, Fredrik Backman’s novel about the angry old man next door is a thoughtful exploration of the profound impact one life has on countless others. “If there was an award for ‘Most Charming Book of the Year,’ this first novel by a Swedish blogger-turned-overnight-sensation would win hands down” (Booklist, starred review).



真是个chessy的故事,但为什么读的时候我经常在哭,偶尔在笑🙃 读完只想赶紧给我爸妈打电话,表达牵挂,然而肯定要被他们骂怎么还不睡觉.. 想告诉他们,我现在很幸福,希望他们不要再老去了.
我很喜欢Ove,从一开始觉得他真是个不通情理的怪老头,慢慢了解到他有原则、认真,甚至很温暖人的一面,就是Sonja说的那样,He's dancing on the inside when nobody's watching. 但是一个人内心的美好总是会熠熠生辉,让周围的人忍不住靠近。
funny and warm
I love this grumpy old man. he doesnt have a lot of love, but he gives it all.
生活中遇到这样的人,或许会感到烦吧,按看似不必要的规矩行事,跟不上时代,还有点强迫症。但本书让读者看到,一个人是怎样成为一个人的,如果你不了解那些事,你就不认识那个人!欧维是不幸的,各种被坑被骗…… 欧维又是幸运的,不起眼的他遇到了相爱至深的伴侣,看似冷漠的他赢得了一堆好邻居好朋友。无论幸与不幸,欧维坚持按自己的原则行事,孤独也好,吃亏也罢,他拒绝妥协,像个斗士,活出了自己想要的样子。欧维的妻子是睿智的,很难想象青春靓丽的她会选择他这样一个人,但她懂得他这个人和他炙热的情感,也懂体谅他拒不妥协的顽固,而他,果然用一生行动谱写着至真至深、至死不渝的真情。她离开后,被社会抛下的欧维决定去死,然而他没有死成,只要人间尚有温情与真善美,就有活下去的理由与意义。
Not my genre. 3.5/5