书籍 Choose Yourself!的封面

Choose Yourself!

James Altucher







The world is changing. Markets have crashed. Jobs have disappeared. Industries have been disrupted and are being remade before our eyes. Everything we aspired to for “security,” everything we thought was “safe,” no longer is: College. Employment. Retirement. Government. It’s all crumbling down. In every part of society, the middlemen are being pushed out of the picture. No longer is someone coming to hire you, to invest in your company, to sign you, to pick you. It’s on you to make the most important decision in your life: Choose Yourself.

New tools and economic forces have emerged to make it possible for individuals to create art, make millions of dollars and change the world without “help.” More and more opportunities are rising out of the ashes of the broken system to generate real inward success (personal happiness and health) and outward success (fulfilling work and wealth).

This book will teach you to do just that. With dozens of case studies, interviews and examples–including the author, investor and entrepreneur James Altucher’s own heartbreaking and inspiring story–Choose Yourself illuminates your personal path to building a bright, new world out of the wreckage of the old.

James Altucher is a successful entrepreneur, chess master, investor and writer. He has started and run more than 20 companies, and sold several of those businesses for large exits. He has also run venture capital funds, hedge funds, angel funds, and currently sits on the boards of several companies. His writing has appeared in most major national media outlets (Wall Street Jour...



年度最喜欢的书,还以此命名了我的个人公众号:选择自己 ,花了四个月,码了100多篇原创文章,终于在昨晚凌晨收到了原创申请,恩,不错的新年礼物。 明年,要认真的做这个事!#欢迎感兴趣的同学加入,和我一起玩!#
这个作者的文风,的确是个混蛋,往细了说,他在IT和金融领域里体会到的当今社会的整体趋势,他认为是宇宙真理,拽的二五八万地说出来,但是每一点,都确实让你无法辩驳。简单地说,这本书mind blowing,he is an arrogant jerk with wisdom.
1. It is better to read self-help as soon as it comes out. Otherwise you would see the ideas everywhere else and they lost their magic very quickly. 2. When you decide not to finish a book, it is also a kind of reading.
what kind of stupid crap is this.... blinkist 的推荐和评价都不靠谱啊,连加速听blinkist的几分钟都嫌浪费
英文版的鸡汤文吧 首先是,关于生理、思维、情绪、心理的健康 然后,面对别人的拒绝,沮丧是必然的,但是事情并不是没有转机,或许这次的拒绝是通向另一条路的必经之地 不要在意别人的看法,世界上总有30%的人不喜欢你,30%的对你的事无所谓,30%站在你这边,何必在意那些负面的评价 多思考,保持头脑思维活跃
Practical tactics for riding through tough times from someone who's been there time and over.