书籍 The Julian Chapter的封面

The Julian Chapter

R. J. Palacio







A New York Times bestseller

A brand new, exclusive chapter from the bestselling, award-winning, and critically acclaimed novel Wonder.

Over 1 million people have read Wonder and have fallen in love with Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. Now readers will have a chance to hear from the book's most controversial character—Julian.

From the very first day Auggie and Julian met in the pages of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wonder, it was clear they were never going to be friends, with Julian treating Auggie like he had the plague. And while Wonder told Auggie's story through six different viewpoints, Julian's perspective was never shared. Readers could only guess what he was thinking.

Until now. The Julian Chapter will finally reveal the bully's side of the story. Why is Julian so unkind to Auggie? And does he have a chance for redemption?

Be sure to look for R.J. Palacio's upcoming 365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne’s Book of Precepts on sale this August.

20210525-20230224 清在读所以一口气看完 还是很温暖的故事 wonder的世界真美好 小孩子做好人还是坏人就看有没有合适的引导 choose kind, always
It is always brave to be kind. 实事胜过一切空谈大道理。 真是白白救活了奶奶。一辈子都是这样肤浅自私自利,儿子儿媳孙子都是一样的缺乏教养,没有爱心。在别人的帮助下活下来难道不应该去帮助他人!?结果被人救了的事连亲儿子都不知道。为什么隐瞒?╮(╯_╰)╭
I love Julian's Grandmere's story.
Julian是Wonder 里那个bully的小孩。书里把他爸他妈写得活灵活现。典型蛮不讲理的美国知识分子(aka律师)。胡搅蛮缠的一把好手。我一开始都觉得这家人没治了,没想到奶奶来救场。
奶奶的故事再次刷新我的泪点。 十四岁的那年,亲吻过我的男孩被送去奥斯维辛,从那之后我再没见过他。 我永远怀念他。