书籍 DevOpsSec的封面


Jim Bird







How do you build security and compliance into your DevOps platforms and pipelines? With this O’Reilly report, security analysts, security engineers, and pen testers will learn how to leverage the same processes and tools—such as version control, containers, and Continuous Delivery—that DevOps practitioners use to automate software delivery and infrastructure changes. In other words, you’ll understand how to use DevOps to secure DevOps.

Author Jim Bird uses case studies from Etsy, Netflix, and the London Multi-Asset Exchange (LMAX) to illustrate the steps leading organizations have taken to secure their DevOps processes. If you understand application and infrastructure security, and have some familiarity with DevOps and Agile development practices and tools, this report is the ideal place to start.

This report shows you how to:

Examine the security and compliance challenges that DevOps poses in your organization

Leverage key DevOps practices and workflows to design, build, deploy, and run secure systems

Build security as code by mapping security checks and controls into DevOps workflows

Take advantage of software component analysis, vulnerability management, and automated software testing tools that dev and ops already use

Build compliance into DevOps, and wire compliance policies and checks and auditing into Continuous Delivery

1. DevOpsSec: Delivering Secure Software through Continuous Delivery
2. Security and Compliance Challenges and Constraints in DevOps
Speed: The Velocity of Delivery
Where’s the Design?
