书籍 Generative Deep Learning的封面

Generative Deep Learning

David Foster







Generative modeling is one of the hottest topics in artificial intelligence. Recent advances in the field have shown how it’s possible to teach a machine to excel at human endeavors—such as drawing, composing music, and completing tasks—by generating an understanding of how its actions affect its environment.

With this practical book, machine learning engineers and data scientists will learn how to recreate some of the most famous examples of generative deep learning models, such as variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks (GANs). You’ll also learn how to apply the techniques to your own datasets.

David Foster, cofounder of Applied Data Science, demonstrates the inner workings of each technique, starting with the basics of deep learning before advancing to the most cutting-edge algorithms in the field. Through tips and tricks, you’ll learn how to make your models learn more efficiently and become more creative.

Get a fundamental overview of deep learning

Learn about libraries such as Keras and TensorFlow

Discover how variational autoencoders work

Get practical examples of generative adversarial networks (GANs)

Understand how autoregressive generative models function

Apply generative models within a reinforcement learning setting to accomplish tasks

David Foster is the co-founder of Applied Data Science, a data science consultancy delivering bespoke solutions for clients. He holds an MA in Mathematics from Trinity College, Cambridge, UK and an MSc in Operational Research from the University of Warwick.

David has won several international machine learning competitions, including the Innocentive Predicting Product Purchase c...


作者拿naive bayes模型引出deep learning......No the guy doesn't know what he is talking about.....入门者看看代码的技术细节(包括一些GAN自带的问题)就行了。
Who needs kids when the AI gets it better.
What I cannot create, I do not understand. - Richard Feynman
本书不适合拿来做深度学习的入门,这本完全可以是《python 深度学习》的进阶版。整本看下来还算流畅,作者在每一章都用一个小故事来举例,轻松有趣,例如前几章的VAE,GAN。故事也讲到知识点的本质。就是所给的代码没细讲,只把关键的几点讲了,如果不对照全部代码来看,有点云里雾里,代码涉及的知识点还是太前沿了,建议出深度学习基础外,把Keras框架用熟再来看。