书籍 Kubernetes Operators的封面

Kubernetes Operators

Jason Dobies







This practical book shows you how to use Operators to install some of the most essential core services on Kubernetes clusters with automated management and upgrades. Items such as permanent storage and databases can be complex to run on Kubernetes, because they often have their own notions of storage, networking, and clustering. Authors Josh Wood and Paul Bert explain how Operators know how to configure serious apps to work on your cluster, and how to keep them running over time, including upgrading them between versions.

Josh Wood is a Developer Advocate at Red Hat. Josh has worked in a variety of roles in innovative startups throughout his career, holding diverse titles from systems admin to product director and CTO. He is passionate about constructing the future of utility computing with open source technologies like Kubernetes. When procrastinating, Josh enjoys photographing polydactyl cats ...


个人觉得k8s operator和controller算得上是microservice orchestration里面的大杀器了,基本没有替代的东西,可以实现的就是全自动的运维,扩展,监控,并且很容易由此产生一个围绕k8s的生态圈,这在开源里面是最核心的东西了。 另外安利一个看operator的网站 https://operatorhub.io/
这本书主要是想了解 Operator 一些心智模型。书中主要是站在 SRE 的角度来阐述 Operator 的一些设计逻辑。随着这么多年的发展,Operator 的能力也逐渐被拓展,甚至可以直接作为 Web Framework 了,还是需要继续学习。 另外,书中一些实践性的内容都跳过了,而且书中的实践内容也过时了。现在也主要是使用 kubebuilder 这一框架了。
专讲k8s operator开发的书。框架用的是operator-sdk,与实际项目用到的kubebuilder不太一样,但设计理念一致。operator生态,生命周期管理及度量部分,写得不错,虽然感觉各方面深度有点浅,但作为入门小手册是合格的,毕竟页数摆在这,太薄了。
API 已经过时 谨慎阅读
老实说,这本书真不咋地,像个剧情拖沓的连续剧,对不起这书的标题。前面大量章节铺垫了半天k8s基础的东西,也一般般,终于在倒数的某一章说了点和标题相关也是我想大多数读者最感兴趣的,怎么去实现一个operator,但是也没说啥超出预期的东西,相当基础(一篇博客就可以搞定,大概率写得比它好),反而点到为止让你去refer to the doc. 而且里面夹带的广告也很多,由于operator最开始是redhat发起的,几乎每一章节都给你推荐一下它们的产品。 建议看kubebuilder的官方book,不推荐这本。