书籍 Mini Habits的封面

Mini Habits

Stephen Guise







Lasting Change For Early Quitters, Burnouts, The Unmotivated, And Everyone Else Too

When I decided to start exercising consistently 10 years ago, this is what actually happened:

I tried "getting motivated." It worked sometimes.

I tried setting audacious big goals. I almost always failed them.

I tried to make changes last. They didn't.

Like most people who try to change and fail, I assumed that I was the problem.

Then one afternoon--after another failed attempt to get motivated to exercise--I (accidentally) started my first mini habit. I initially committed to do one push-up, and it turned into a full workout. I was shocked. This "stupid idea" wasn't supposed to work. I was shocked again when my success with this strategy continued for months (and to this day). I had to consider that maybe I wasn't the problem in those 10 years of mediocre results. Maybe it was my prior strategies that were ineffective, despite being oft-repeated as "the way to change" in countless books and blogs.

I was right.

Is There A Scientific Explanation For This?

As I sought understanding, I found a plethora of scientific studies that had answers, with nobody to interpret them correctly. Based on the science--which you'll find peppered throughout Mini Habits--we've been doing it all wrong.

You can succeed without the guilt, intimidation, and repeated failure associated with such strategies as "getting motivated," New Year's Resolutions, or even "just doing it." In fact, you need to stop using those strategies if they aren't giving you great results. They don't work because they all require you to fight against your subconscious brain (a fight not easily won). It's only when you start playing by your brain's rules and taking your human limitations seriously--as mini habits show you how to do--that you can achieve lasting change.

What's A Mini Habit?

A mini habit is a very small positive behavior that you force yourself to do every day; its "too small to fail" nature makes it weightless, deceptively powerful, and a superior habit-building strategy. You will have no choice but to believe in yourself when you're always moving forward. The barrier to the first step is so low that even depressed or "stuck" people can find early success and begin to reverse their lives right away. And if you think one push-up a day is too small to matter, I've got one heck of a story for you!

Aim For The First Step

They say when you aim for the moon, you'll land among the stars. Well, that doesn't make sense, as the moon is closer than the stars. I digress. The message is that you should aim very high and even if you fall short, you'll still get somewhere. I've found the opposite to be true in regards to productivity and healthy behaviors. When you aim for the moon, you'll won't shoot because it's too far away. But when you aim for the step in front of you, you might just keep going and reach the moon.

I've used the Mini Habits strategy to get into the best shape of my life, read 10x more books, and write 4x as many words. It started from requiring one push-up from myself every day. How ridiculous is that? Not so ridiculous when you consider the science of the brain, habits, and willpower. The Mini Habits system works because it's how our brains are designed to change.

I relished the opportunity to share this life-changing strategy with the world. I loved writing Mini Habits. You'll see my passion in the content as well as the overall quality and presentation of the book.

Note: This book isn't for eliminating bad habits (though some principles could be useful for breaking habits). Mini Habits is a strategy to create permanent healthy habits. Some categories include: exercise, writing, reading, thinking positively, meditating, drinking water, eating healthy foods, etc.

Book sample note: The "look inside" Amazon preview lacks the cleanly spaced formatting of the actual Mini Habits book.

Stephen Guise founded the award-winning* Deep Existence blog in 2011. He has been writing about and researching personal growth strategies since 2004. Stephen's articles have been featured on some of the world's most popular websites, including: Lifehacker, Mind Body Green, Problogger, Tiny Buddha, Dumb Little Man, and Pick The Brain, among others.

Fueled by his passion for per...


Part 1 Introduction to Mini habits
How it Began: the one push-up challenge
For good habit only
A brief synopsis of Mini Habits
About habits and the brain

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
每次定好一个目标,都是前几天雄心勃勃,充满干劲。没过几天,就会跟自己说,今天好累啊,要不明天吧。然后,就没有然后了。每一次失败都会加重我的自我厌恶感。这本书并没有治愈我的焦虑和内疚,但我还是决定再尝试一次,毕竟做总比不做要好吧。制定了三个mini habits:1 每天锻炼一分钟 运动真的是我无数次拿起又放下的目标,我身体弱,又懒又宅,结果就是身体更弱,没有精神,人就更懒更宅,这次再重启试试2 每天读两页非小说类英文书,其实这个对我来说不痛苦,坚持读英文书已经好几年了,不过多数是小说类。最近察觉到自己心灵缺乏能量,很不快乐,所以打算多读一些心理及个人成长类的书籍 3 每天记录一件快乐的事情 最近突然意识到自己不能把握当下,总是对现状感到不满,感觉自己不够好,所以想从记录当下的美好开始做起
My first English book
"Atomic habits" shares the similar principle about this book, we need develop some small but good habit that allow us to live a more happy and smoothly flowing life. One push-up, 2 pages of book, these actions might seem tiny and unnoticable, but if you do it day by day without stop, time will tell you how invincible they could be and how powerful
very useful and pragmatic
全书主要就是翻来覆去地说微习惯too small to fail(换着表达方式和角度),本来听得有些烦了,后面看到他举的一个例子又觉得他其实就是在贯彻这个策略:不停给你灌输mini habits too small to fail的想法,改变你的潜意识和认知,也能理解了🤣
人一天当中的大部分行为都是由习惯操纵的。 掌握了微习惯的技巧可以更好地控制生活。 另外微习惯还引申出的微行为的概念: 你做这件事是因为你可以做到它,而不一定是你想做。 Motivation 并不是做一件事情的必要条件,它更应该是一个 Bonus、一个 Surprise。
其实starting with baby steps很科学地,因为习惯被荒废最主要的原因就是从inaction到action那个鸿沟,基本上骗自己开始做了都能坚持下去。配音好好笑,经常听得笑出声来,被朗读者点赞。