书籍 Beartown的封面


Fredrik Backman


Atria Books







Winning a junior ice hockey championship might not mean a lot to the average person, but it means everything to the residents of Beartown, a community slowly being eaten alive by unemployment and the surrounding wilderness. A victory like this would draw national attention to the ailing town: it could attract government funding and an influx of talented athletes who would choose Beartown over the big nearby cities. A victory like this would certainly mean everything to Amat, a short, scrawny teenager who is treated like an outcast everywhere but on the ice; to Kevin, a star player just on the cusp of securing his golden future in the NHL; and to Peter, their dedicated general manager whose own professional hockey career ended in tragedy.

At first, it seems like the team might have a shot at fulfilling the dreams of their entire town. But one night at a drunken celebration following a key win, something happens between Kevin and the general manager’s daughter—and the next day everything seems to have changed. Accusations are made and, like ripples on a pond, they travel through all of Beartown, leaving no resident unaffected. With so much riding on the success of the team, the line between loyalty and betrayal becomes difficult to discern. At last, it falls to one young man to find the courage to speak the truth that it seems no one else wants to hear.

Fredrik Backman knows that we are forever shaped by the places we call home, and in this emotionally powerful, sweetly insightful story, he explores what can happen when we carry the heavy weight of other people's dreams on our shoulders.







好看也好读 对创伤的刻画以及对人物的矛盾 纠结心理都相当到位 结局maya的报复简直大快人心
I'm not entirely happy about the flow of the writing and what seems like an unnecessary string of side characters. But darn, this is some powerful stuff.
Bears from beartown.喜欢Bobo和benji 这两个角色的塑造。
大部分的女性角色都很不错,Maya和Anna的神仙友谊,Kira这个wolf mum的坚毅,Ramona,Fatima,还有Bobo的妈妈,Benji的姐姐和女老师,这些人构起了整本书的道德灵魂,即使是Kevin母亲的道歉也很让人动容。而男性角色最爱Benji,没有第二,结尾以Benji作为hook,可我不敢看啦
#audiobook 英文有声书里Backman是个神奇的存在,他的书都非常适合有声书,情节抓人,又不乏思考,偶而还能让人听着听着会心一笑。这本熊镇谈到的话题颇为沉重,谈得有点浅,最后的结局也过于草率。但是书里的亲情让人感动。作为有声书畅销小说来说,是好过一般水平的。时长13时11分。 2023年度听书40时12分。
今天开始。 看起来似乎是一个热血的故事,目前已解锁五个可能的主要角色。 这个铺垫的篇幅和主要矛盾出场的位置让我对整本书的感官从一般变成超级一般甚至有点烂。 语言细腻是这个作者的优点,但是絮絮叨叨是这个作者的缺点。 没有挑起对立的意思,但是男性作者好像真的不太会写女性之间很好的友谊,至少在现实中一对真正很好的朋友不会出现一方很需要另一方,但另一方面却在不分青红皂白的嫉妒这种情况。小说的情节越来越让人火大了。
【美音泛听】3.5星。 懒得记笔记,然后发现居然是部人物众多的冰球小镇群像,这种烦躁谁懂啊! 听到一半就失去耐心开始1.5倍速了。 其实更适合拍剧,而不是有声书。 【剧透警告】结局留Kevin一条狗命,我很不爽!