书籍 The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine的封面

The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine

Rollo Tomassi







Building on the core works of The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine presents a poignant outline of the phases of maturity and the most commonly predictable experiences men can expect from women as they progress through various stages of life.Rational and pragmatic, the book explores the intergender and social dynamics of each stage of women's maturity and provides a practical understanding for men in dealing with women in those phases. Preventive Medicine also provides revealing outlines of feminine social primacy, Hypergamy, the 'Hierarchies of Love' and the importance of understanding the conventional nature of complementary masculinity in a world designed to keep men ignorant of it.The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine seeks to help men who "wish they knew then what they know now."The book is the first in of series complements to The Rational Male, the twelve-year core writing of author/blogger Rollo Tomassi from therationalmale.com. Rollo Tomassi is one of the leading voices in the globally growing, male-focused online consortium known as the “Manosphere”.

Sometimes called the "Godfather of the Red Pill", Rollo Tomassi has been a permanent fixture in the 'Manosphere' for 20 years. With a focus on evolutionary psychology and objectivism, Rollo brings a pragmatic, nuts & bolts, approach to intersexual dynamics, men and women's innate natures and their effects on today's society.

He is the author of the internationally best selling ...


在我最灰暗的时候有幸能碰到红药丸,真的是让以前所有的厄运得到了平衡,在遭受几次天罚之后(并非情感)我半梦半醒,开始思考许多人忽略的问题,我一度以为不会有人回答我这些问题,直到这本书的出现。它不仅回答了我所有的困惑,还极具深度的拉伸了我的思考并且给予鼓励,警示,与启发。我如同一个垂死之人重获新生,我不在因为任何问题而感到痛苦,因为它都有解答。rational male一共分为五册,请确保全部阅读完毕。不要认为这本书的内容仅仅在说两性关系,从作者阐述,逻辑论证,与思考模式当中,你还可以获得一个全新的思维模式,你不再局限与思考男人与女人,而是放眼更多人生领域的问题。我从未给任何书做批注,但红丸系列除外,谢谢你,Rollo Tomassi,在我正值青春的年纪出现了,让我看清了这个世界的真相。