书籍 Habitus and Field的封面

Habitus and Field

Pierre Bourdieu









This is the second of five volumes based on the lectures given by Pierre Bourdieu at the Collège de France in the early 1980s under the title ‘General Sociology’. In these lectures, Bourdieu sets out to define and defend sociology as an intellectual discipline, and in doing so he introduces and clarifies all the key concepts which have come to define his distinctive intellectual approach.

In this volume, Bourdieu focuses on two of his most important and influential concepts: habitus and field. For the social scientist, the object of study is neither the individual nor the group but the relation between these two manifestations of the social in bodies and in things: that is, the obscure, dual relation between the habitus – as a system of schemas of perception, appreciation and action – and the field as a system of objective relations and a space of possible actions and struggles aimed at preserving or transforming the field. The relation between the habitus and the field is a two-way process: it is a relation of conditioning, where the field structures the habitus, and it is also a relation of knowledge, with the habitus helping to constitute the field as a world that is endowed with meaning and value. The specificity of social science lies in the fact that it takes as its object of knowledge a reality that encompasses agents who take this same reality as the object of their own knowledge.

An ideal introduction to some of Bourdieu’s most important concepts and ideas, this volume will be of great interest to the many students and scholars who study and use Bourdieu’s work across the social sciences and humanities, and to general readers who want to know more about the work of one of the most important sociologists and social thinkers of the 20th century.

Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) was one of the most influential sociologists and anthropologists of the late twentieth century. He was Professor of Sociology at the Collège de France and Director of Studies at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. His many works include Outline of a Theory of Practice, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, The Rules...


Lecture of 5 October 1982
The retrospective illusion and the unreality of theory in research – A work of axiomatisation – Scientific concepts – The fundamental questions – Realist definition and interactionist definition – Metaphysical requirements for sociology – Iron Filings
Lecture of 12 October 1982
The double life of the social - The process of objectification and incorporation of the social - Moving beyond the opposition between subjectivism and objectivism. - Scholarly understanding and practical understanding - The examples of reading and the work of art - Programme of future lectures and questions from the audience

1982-1983年的法兰西学苑讲座,已出版《马奈》(1998-2000)《国家》(1989-1992)《分类斗争》(1981-1982),后续讲座应该也会出版,虽然中译(更别说优秀的中译了)不知道要等到什么时候了,就怕刘晖这种自告奋勇想要从法本直接译(说不定《马奈》已经在译了)...。总的来法兰西学苑讲座系列和布迪厄的作品有许多重合部分,但是具体的经验关联会更加明显且课堂生动易懂。82-83年讲座的最后几乎就是日后《艺术的法则》的雏形,也难怪literary and artistic field实际上构成了“场域”的典范形式,只不过在讲座里布迪厄的核心历史例子是“左拉和自然主义”,而非日后的福楼拜和马奈。从后面的编者注(质量十分高)可以看出,法兰西学苑全集系列是倾注了编者大量心血。