书籍 Intolerable的封面


Michel Foucault







Founded by Michel Foucault and others in 1970–71, the Prisons Information Group (GIP) circulated information about the inhumane conditions within the French prison system. Intolerable makes available for the first time in English a fully annotated compilation of materials produced by the GIP during its brief but influential existence, including an exclusive new interview with GIP member Hélène Cixous and writings by Gilles Deleuze and Jean Genet.

These archival documents—public announcements, manifestos, reports, pamphlets, interventions, press conference statements, interviews, and round table discussions—trace the GIP’s establishment in post-1968 political turmoil, the new models of social activism it pioneered, the prison revolts it supported across France, and the retrospective assessments that followed its denouement. At the same time, Intolerable offers a rich, concrete exploration of Foucault’s concept of resistance, providing a new understanding of the arc of his intellectual development and the genesis of his most influential book, Discipline and Punish.

Presenting the account of France’s most vibrant prison resistance movement in its own words and on its own terms, this significant and relevant collection also connects the approach and activities of the GIP to radical prison resistance movements today.

Michel Foucault (1926–1984) was a French historian and philosopher associated with the structuralist and poststructuralist movements; his writing has been widely influential throughout the humanities and social sciences. Among his most notable titles are History of Madness, Discipline and Punish, and The History of Sexuality.

当面对监禁时,我们在谈什么?监禁远非指明非理性的特征空间(caractéristique d'un irrationalité),而是书写社会性不可见的生产机构;它区别于古典监禁和驱逐在它同安全装置(dispositif de sécurité)分享开放性;治理生效于将囚犯作为犯罪标本供应到模范公民生产中,成为公民风险意识和甄别技术的知识型保证。监禁代表的公示书写程序产出的是失踪状态(la disparition);在市民观念中,失踪是种特殊能力——“有一天他们可能再次出现在生命的白昼之中”。市民风险观念和监禁合法性确立是同义反复:处于被监禁的不可见者,被监禁治理下公民协作产出了如此风险:不可见者不可被矫正的侵入性;而风险观念和实证,又成为了当下无限延伸、不断扩张的监禁体制的公众共识依据。