书籍 Until the End of Time的封面

Until the End of Time

Brian Greene







From the world-renowned physicist and bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos, a captivating exploration of deep time and humanity's search for purpose

In both time and space, the cosmos is astoundingly vast, and yet is governed by simple, elegant, universal mathematical laws.

On this cosmic timeline, our human era is spectacular but fleeting. Someday, we know, we will all die. And, we know, so too will the universe itself.

Until the End of Time is Brian Greene's breathtaking new exploration of the cosmos and our quest to understand it. Greene takes us on a journey across time, from our most refined understanding of the universe's beginning, to the closest science can take us to the very end. He explores how life and mind emerged from the initial chaos, and how our minds, in coming to understand their own impermanence, seek in different ways to give meaning to experience: in story, myth, religion, creative expression, science, the quest for truth, and our longing for the timeless, or eternal. Through a series of nested stories that explain distinct but interwoven layers of reality-from the quantum mechanics to consciousness to black holes-Greene provides us with a clearer sense of how we came to be, a finer picture of where we are now, and a firmer understanding of where we are headed.

Yet all this understanding, which arose with the emergence of life, will dissolve with its conclusion. Which leaves us with one realization: during our brief moment in the sun, we are tasked with the charge of finding our own meaning.

Brian Greene is an American theoretical physicist and one of the best-known string theorists. He has been a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University since 1996. He has become known to a wider audience through his books for the general public and a related PBS television special.

This book is fucking awesome!
和很多写作的物理学家一样,在半生物理学探索后,Brian Greene也在五十多岁将从外部物质世界到向内探索的思考整理成书。行文风格是Brian Greene特有的辞藻华丽和絮絮叨叨。以Entropy & Evolution作为故事的核心,串联起这场从物理学到心智到意义的厚重的旅程(从每章精巧诗意的标题中可见一斑)。
语言优雅流畅,文采斐然,讲述方式则是Brian一贯那种运用各种类比循序渐进。有时间和耐心那读着就很舒服,否则每个点都要详细罗列有时候会觉得啰嗦。 这本和他之前专注于物理领域的那三本不同,话题跨度比较大了。这种分类的知识储备让我对其中的科学事实并不陌生。所有开始的big bang 不可违抗的热二增熵定律相对论量子力学星系的诞生何为生命进化论自我意识语言故事信仰艺术意义物质与一切的终结。但看多少次,“until the end of time”也还会感动于这种卡尔萨根式“我们由星辰所铸如今仰望群星”的浪漫。