书籍 The Four Tendencies的封面

The Four Tendencies

Gretchen Rubin









In this groundbreaking analysis of personality type, bestselling author of Better Than Before and The Happiness Project Gretchen Rubin reveals the one simple question that will transform what you do at home, at work, and in life.

During her multibook investigation into understand human nature, Gretchen Rubin realized that by asking the seemingly dry question "How do I respond to expectations?" we gain explosive self-knowledge. She discovered that based on their answer, people fit into Four Tendencies: Upholders, Questioners, Obligers, and Rebels. Our Tendency shapes every aspect of our behavior, so using this framework allows us to make better decisions, meet deadlines, suffer less stress, and engage more effectively.

More than 600,000 people have taken her online quiz, and managers, doctors, teachers, spouses, and parents already use the framework to help people make significant, lasting change.

The Four Tendencies hold practical answers if you've ever thought...

· People can rely on me, but I can't rely on myself.

· How can I help someone to follow good advice?

· People say I ask too many questions.

· How do I work with someone who refuses to do what I ask—or who keeps telling me what to do?

With sharp insight, compelling research, and hilarious examples, The Four Tendencies will help you get happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative. It's far easier to succeed when you know what works for you.

4种性格:Upholder, Obliger, Questioner, or a Rebel. 感觉我比较对应upholder这种,其实没啥新鲜的,最大的收获就是提醒自己每个人的风格不一样,要学习不同的相处模式
The description on the four tedencies are very detailed, but i do think that i end up reading a lot of repeated sentences and words(it needs to be more concise).
https://quiz.gretchenrubin.com/four-tendencies-quiz/?dt_dapp=1 ,做了测试后着重看的关于Rebel的部分,自己的确很贴合书中对这一部分的心理活动的描述,虽然成长过程中受外界影响表现出来的像是Obliger,在最近开始觉察自己的情绪和心理活动后,已经有意识地让自己改变,不受情绪操控。不过有点疑惑的是作者断定这种划分出来的四种类型是人的天性,后天无法更改的,不知道作者是如何做下这样的断定的。