书籍 Piranesi的封面


Susanna Clarke







The long-awaited return from the author of the multi-million copy bestselling Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

The Beautiful Orderliness of the House is what gives us Life.

Piranesi has always lived in the House; or, for as long as he can remember.

Day after day, Piranesi records in his notebooks with precision and carefulness the House's endless halls, their great and strange statues, the ebb and flow of the tides within its walls. He speaks to the birds; and brings tributes of food and waterlilies to the House's Dead. Once in a while, he sees his friend the Other. But mostly, he is alone.

Then messages begin to appear, scratched out in chalk and spelled out in pebbles. A new person has come to the House, and there is something they are trying to tell Piranesi.

But another story is unfolding, within the pages of Piranesi's own journal. A story written in his own hand, that he cannot remember writing; a story of a group of strangers, in an unfamiliar world.

The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite.

Susanna Clarke's debut novel Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell was first published in 2004 in more than thirty countries and shortlisted for the Whitbread First Novel Award, the Guardian First Book Award. It won British Book Awards Newcomer of the Year, the Hugo Award and the World Fantasy Award in 2005. The Ladies of Grace Adieu, a collection of short stories, some set in the worl...


Marvelous imagination of the house
Ingenious & miraculous, indescribable & bittersweet. A very captivating read.
看完译本后太喜欢了又去听了audible book,演绎得非常棒,那种孤寂与天真混合的感觉实在很迷人
在一个声画技术无比发达的时代,如何写一个只有文字可以讲述的故事,这本小说给了美轮美奂的范例。文字的魔力不来自我们私心的偏爱,而来自它自身的范式所给予的狡黠和微妙,恰到好处地构建出丰盈细节、留白空间和随之而来的莞尔之乐、意外之喜、拍案之绝。尽管我对这本书作为小说的技术不吝溢美,但阅读时激荡的体验更多来自故事和人物本身的扎实塑造,还来自它所传递的价值满足我对最美好灵魂的想象:对世界无止境的好奇,孜孜不倦地求索,随心所欲地拥抱天地之美,胸怀坦荡地宽恕人间之恶。主人公在各方面成为role model(包括写notes的严谨态度),他不是Piranesi,他不属于任何名字,他是the loved child of The House.
3.5 前面一二章差点没让我弃了,但所幸twist真的到来的时候非常rewarding。后半的情节多有“大笔一挥,logistics全不管”的豪放😂 抓人是抓人的…… 我听的是audible上的版本,Chiwetel Ejiofor的narration不管从情感还是气质都堪称完美,非常值得推荐
意外地好读,故事又意外地有点简单。She is alone, perhaps by choice or perhaps because no one else was courageous enough to follow her into the darkness.
What truly moved me is the ending where Susanna integrated the really world and the House… the beauty of the House is immeasurable; its kindness infinite.
没有看英伦魔法师先读了这本,结构设置的很精巧,第三部分the prophet出现后开始revelation的设定不错,以及记录档案是个好习惯,说不定能救命(bushi)