书籍 Think Like a Rocket Scientist的封面

Think Like a Rocket Scientist

Ozan Varol












Named a "must read" by Susan Cain, "endlessly fascinating" by Daniel Pink, and "bursting with practical insights" by Adam Grant.

A former rocket scientist reveals the habits, ideas, and strategies that will empower you to turn the seemingly impossible into the possible.

Rocket science is often celebrated as the ultimate triumph of technology. But it's not. Rather, it's the apex of a certain thought process -- a way to imagine the unimaginable and solve the unsolvable. It's the same thought process that enabled Neil Armstrong to take his giant leap for mankind, that allows spacecraft to travel millions of miles through outer space and land on a precise spot, and that brings us closer to colonizing other planets.

Fortunately, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to think like one.

In this accessible and practical book, Ozan Varol reveals nine simple strategies from rocket science that you can use to make your own giant leaps in work and life -- whether it's landing your dream job, accelerating your business, learning a new skill, or creating the next breakthrough product. Today, thinking like a rocket scientist is a necessity. We all encounter complex and unfamiliar problems in our lives. Those who can tackle these problems -- without clear guidelines and with the clock ticking -- enjoy an extraordinary advantage.

Think Like a Rocket Scientist will inspire you to take your own moonshot and enable you to achieve liftoff.

思维决定高度 ,高度决定视野 ,视野决定格局 。欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼 。
【听书】不太好定义这本书, 应该属于鸡汤类的, 但是我听了15分钟的讲解之后, 很想自己读一下这本书。我觉得里面应该有启发性的东西。 但是总结一下要点, 都是平时经常听到的, 不要害怕不确定,要问正确的问题, 从根源思考问题,给大脑空闲的时间来思考漫游,多方位的假设, 多多测试break the limit(这一条我上机器人课程的时候老师有提到的, 他经常说一个方案, 然后说让how can we break the limit ,然后引出了下一章的内容) 还有一些我没记住的。 都是些大家都知道, 听起来有道理做起来难的东西, 我觉得天才是不要知道这些的, 他们本能就是这样解决问题的。 像我一样的庸才才会纠结为什么看了几百遍也学不会。 我应该会刷一遍原版的书。
同意大多数的观点 很多都是聪明人应该知道的
在沉迷酒精和阿瓦隆的间隙读完单身汉比尔盖茨推荐的鸡汤,作者本身并不是Rocket scientist,感觉更像是先有框架然后找NASA和SPACE X的故事硬凑进去,但其中一些NASA的细节还是很迷人,test as you fly, fly as you test
《火箭科学家眼中年轻人必读的 100 个小故事》,读着挺有意思读完很难回想出什么收获的那种比较典型的 Self-help 类畅销轶事集。