书籍 The Knowing-Doing Gap的封面

The Knowing-Doing Gap

Jeffrey Pfeffer








The market for business knowledge is booming, as companies looking to improve their performance pour billions of dollars into training programs, consultants, and executive education.Why, then, are there so many gaps between what firms know they should do and what they actually do?Why do so many companies fail to implement the experience and insight they've worked so hard to acquire? The Knowing-Doing Gap is the first book to confront the challenge of turning knowledge about how to improve performance into actions that produce measurable results. Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton, well-known authors and teachers, identify the causes of the knowing-doing gap and explain how to close it.The message is clear-firms that turn knowledge into action avoid the "smart talk trap."Executives must use plans, analysis, meetings, and presentations to inspire deeds, not as substitutes for action.Companies that act on their knowledge also eliminate fear, abolish destructive internal competition, measure what matters, and promote leaders who understand the work people do in their firms.The authors use examples from dozens of firms that show how some overcome the knowing-doing gap, why others try but fail, and how still others avoid the gap in the first place. The Knowing-Doing Gap is sure to resonate with executives everywhere who struggle daily to make their firms both know and do what they know.It is a refreshingly candid, useful, and realistic guide for improving performance in today's business.



杰弗里·普费弗(Jeffrey Pfeffer),斯坦福大学商学院研究所教授,主讲组织行为学。他在全世界22个国家讲授过高级主管培训班,并于1994-1996年期间担任斯坦福高级主管教育项目的负责人。他担任过帕托拉包装公司(Portola Packaging)、Resumix公司、索诺声公司(SonoSite)的董事,亦是多家学术刊物编辑委员会的成员。他发表了100多篇文章,还撰写一些管理专著:《人力资源方程式》、《组织理论的新趋势》、《以人为本的竞争优势》、《体现权力的管理》、《组织与组织理论》、《组织中的权力》、《组织设计》以及《组织的外部控制》(与他人合著)。

罗伯特·I·萨顿(Robert I. Sutton),斯坦福大学工程学院教授,主讲组织行为学,同时也是该校工作。技术和组织中心主任和斯坦福科技创投计划的研究主任。他是世界一流的创新管理大...


推荐其中两章: 3. When memory is a substitute for thinking 5. When measurement obstructs good judgement