书籍 The Importance of Being Earnest的封面

The Importance of Being Earnest

Oscar Wilde







Oscar Wilde's madcap farce about mistaken identities, secret engagements, and lovers entanglements still delights readers more than a century after its 1895 publication and premiere performance. The rapid-fire wit and eccentric characters of The Importance of Being Earnest have made it a mainstay of the high school curriculum for decades.

Cecily Cardew and Gwendolen Fairfax are both in love with the same mythical suitor. Jack Worthing has wooed Gwendolen as Ernest while Algernon has also posed as Ernest to win the heart of Jack's ward, Cecily. When all four arrive at Jack's country home on the same weekend the "rivals" to fight for Ernest's undivided attention and the "Ernests" to claim their beloveds pandemonium breaks loose. Only a senile nursemaid and an old, discarded hand-bag can save the day!

This Prestwick House Literary Touchstone Edition includes a glossary and reader's notes to help the modern reader appreciate Wilde's wry wit and elaborate plot twists.

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish playwright, poet, and author of numerous short stories, and one novel. Known for his biting wit, and a plentitude of aphorisms, he became one of the most successful playwrights of the late Victorian era in London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. Several of his plays continue to be widely performed, especially The...


Act I & II真是看到拍桌子大笑 III有点儿急转直下的感觉
听得广播剧 太搞笑了!lets bunburying😂
王尔德是个天才,短短的一个剧本,对于维多利亚时期的上流社会提出了尖锐的讽刺和批评。 Jack过着双重生活,在乡村是“Jack”,在城市是“Ernest”。 当他最好的朋友Algernon决定为了自己的利益冒充“Ernest”时,他来到了Jack乡村的家里,遇到了Jack的侄女。当他们分别爱上Gwendolen和Cecily时,事情变得有趣起来,很快就失控了。剧本里有出色的场景描写和令人难忘的经典台词,由此可以看到王尔德是一个罕见的天才,拥有超凡的机智才华。 书里很多场景,不止一次变得令人难以置信的搞笑。这个时期的英文,读起来还是有些累。
How absurd to talk of the equality of the sexes! Where questions of self-sacrifice are concerned, men are infinitely beyond us! Bumbury有莎剧《错误的喜剧》、维多利亚时代小说the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde中的metamophasis的影子。王尔德的语言真是华丽而幽默!
三幕分了三天看完,很适合午后消遣,此剧的内涵大概都在金句上了,讽刺精妙得让人忍不住嘎嘎大笑。不过这些金句出现得有点太过频繁了,割裂了与剧本之间的阅读体验。又或者说一切跳脱得不像一个纯粹的故事,看王尔德思想的闪光。 P.S.大菠萝演员大卫·苏切2015年反串的舞台剧版本不可错过!