书籍 The Mind of Wall Street的封面

The Mind of Wall Street

Leon Levy












Most of us are in the stock market, but few of us understand how it really works. This book explains the hidden dynamics of Wall Street, and its message is urgent and disturbing.

As stock prices and investor confidence have collapsed in the wake of Enron, WorldCom, and the dot-com crash, people want to know how this happened and how to make sense of the uncertain times to come.

Into the breach comes one of Wall Street's legendary investors, Leon Levy, to explain why the market so often confounds us, and why those who ought to understand it tend to get chewed up and spat out. Levy, who pioneered many of the innovations and investment instruments that we now take for granted, has prospered in every market for the past fifty years, particularly in today's bear market. In The Mind of Wall Street he recounts stories of his successes and failures to illustrate how investor psychology and willful self-deception so often play critical roles in the process. Like his peers George Soros and Warren Buffett, Levy takes a long and broad view of the rhythms of the markets and the economy. He also offers a provocative analysis of the spectacular Internet bubble, showing that the market has not yet completely recovered from its bout of "irrational exuberance."

The Mind of Wall Street is essential reading for all of us, whether we are active traders or simply modest contributors to our 401(k) plans, as volatile and unnerving markets come to define so much of our net worth.

作者是上一代的投资者了。这本书写到2002年,作者在最后部分的一些预测,包括对持续衰退,科技股的看法,无疑是错的。可能是一代人受制于其成长经历,对投资有不同的看法吧,在短期正确的看法拉长了来看未必对。和其它回忆录比起来,这本书写得相当简洁,可以说是吝于笔墨。有意思的是,作者和格雷厄姆都是毕业于Townsend Harris高中,尽管作者并未见过格雷厄姆。作者强调liberal are教育,最后也是认识到投资和金融工作意义的渺小,相对于其对社会的贡献来说,其收入高到不成比例。