书籍 One Click的封面

One Click

Richard L. Brandt







An insightful look at how Amazon really works and how its founder and CEO makes it happen.

Amazon's business model is deceptively simple: make online shopping so easy and convenient that customers won't think twice. It can almost be summed up by the button on every page: Buy now with one click.

Why has Amazon been so successful? Much of it has to do with Jeff Bezos, the CEO and founder, whose unique combination of character traits and business strategy have driven Amazon to the top of the online retail world. Originally a computer nerd rather than a businessman, he had the vision to capitalize on the untapped online marketplace for bookselling and continues to discover new marketing opportunities, from groceries to auto parts. He's a calculating machine, high energy, passionate, highly aggressive, and out to radically transform retail.

Through numerous interviews with Amazon employees, competitors, and observers, Richard Brandt has deciphered how Bezos thinks, what drives his actions, and how he makes decisions. Anyone in business can learn a lot from the example of Amazon's ongoing evolution.

Easy read...一样是人,为啥obssess with customers但grind employees?呵呵。哎真是技术制胜的时代。
天才如此努力,你又怎敢怠慢颓废, 天才如此远见,你又怎可鼠目寸光。 Step by Step , Courageously
光头佬Jeff Bezos的一些八卦,听完。不过一手资料不多而且光头佬还没到盖棺定论写传记的时候。印象深刻的有Jeff三岁的时候就不要睡婴儿床要睡普通床但是妈妈不许于是自己拿螺丝刀拆床。另外就是大学的时候还想学物理但是普林斯顿牛人太多,他在少有的谦虚的时刻说量子力学打败了他,他意识到自己智商不够搞物理。
neutral, objective but unattractive.
不太喜欢这作者的文笔,写的也不够深入。我有幸在亚马逊工作过两年,对 two pizza team 的理念记忆犹新。这么大的一个公司还能允许这样灵活的团队安排,并鼓励创新,挺了不起的。
第一本自己读的英文书,首先记录自己的成长,开心!说一下几点自己的感受 1. 优秀的人从小就优秀,人啊,天生就存在正态分布吧,自己能做的更多是持之以恒的学习 2. 任何事情都不要妖孽化,什么以客户为中心,关键生死存亡时刻,还是要看利润,看收入,先活下来 3. Kindle作为配送终端,信息流的维度跟physical stuff感觉是一样的发展逻辑,履约环节是保障客户体验的关键呀。这种思考耳目一新。那云是不是某种层度上是仓库呢?