书籍 How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big的封面

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

Scott Adams







Scott Adams has likely failed at more things than anyone you’ve ever met or anyone you’ve even heard of. So how did he go from hapless office worker and serial failure to the creator of Dilbert, one of the world’s most famous syndicated comic strips, in just a few years? In How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Adams shares the strategy he has used since he was a teen to invite failure in, to embrace it, then pick its pocket.

No career guide can offer advice for success that works for everyone. As Adams explains, your best bet is to study the ways of others who made it big and try to glean some tricks and strategies that make sense for you. Adams pulls back the covers on his own unusual life and shares what he learned for turning one failure after another into something good and lasting. Adams reveals that he failed at just about everything he’s tried, including his corporate career, his inventions, his investments, and his two restaurants. But there’s a lot to learn from his personal story, and a lot of humor along the way. While it’s hard for anyone to recover from a personal or professional failure, Adams discovered some unlikely truths that helped to propel him forward. For instance:

• Goals are for losers. Systems are for winners.

• "Passion" is bull. What you need is personal energy.

• A combination of mediocre skills can make you surprisingly valuable.

• You can manage your odds in a way that makes you look lucky to others.

书不薄,基本都是大叔给你唠叨家常,要跳过过场动画可以直接搜索“trick”。确实牛人,自己悟出了很多东西,默默偷师中。缺点是既然写成书就应该做一下 research,而不是局限在自己的体系中自行解释,很多内容已经有其他人做了更深入的研究。
System vs Goal.
a vivid example of The Path of Least Resistance. 唯一不同意的观点“生活的目的是幸福”。
One thing that convinced me: be optimistic not because what you hope for the future will 100% come true but because the mentality will make you have a better today. That is enough, and it does not matter if the future follows your precise prediction.
很难说这本书的所有内容都很扎实,但有一些 insight idea 确实是妙到毫巅,如果不是太缺乏时间的话,可以快速阅读一番淘出其中的金子。