书籍 Ego Is the Enemy的封面

Ego Is the Enemy

Ryan Holiday









The instant Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and international bestseller

“While the history books are filled with tales of obsessive visionary geniuses who remade the world in their image with sheer, almost irrational force, I’ve found that history is also made by individuals who fought their egos at every turn, who eschewed the spotlight, and who put their higher goals above their desire for recognition.” —from the prologue

Many of us insist the main impediment to a full, successful life is the outside world. In fact, the most common enemy lies within: our ego. Early in our careers, it impedes learning and the cultivation of talent. With success, it can blind us to our faults and sow future problems. In failure, it magnifies each blow and makes recovery more difficult. At every stage, ego holds us back.

Ego Is the Enemy draws on a vast array of stories and examples, from literature to philosophy to history. We meet fascinating figures such as George Marshall, Jackie Robinson, Katharine Graham, Bill Belichick, and Eleanor Roosevelt, who all reached the highest levels of power and success by conquering their own egos. Their strategies and tactics can be ours as well.

In an era that glorifies social media, reality TV, and other forms of shameless self-promotion, the battle against ego must be fought on many fronts. Armed with the lessons in this book, as Holiday writes, “you will be less invested in the story you tell about your own specialness, and as a result, you will be liberated to accomplish the world-changing work you’ve set out to achieve.”

RYAN HOLIDAY is one of the world's foremost thinkers and writers on ancient philosophy and its place in everyday life. He is a sought-after speaker, strategist, and the author of many bestselling books including The Obstacle Is the Way; Ego Is the Enemy; and The Daily Stoic. His books have been translated into over 30 languages and sold over two million copies worldwide. He liv...


sadly, epilogue is the best part of the book
Ryan defineds ego=unhealthy belief in our own importance, 我可能更愿意把ego当做是对自己定位的不明确,也可能是过大,也可能过小; 但是如何界定不健康?什么是健康的,其实书中没有明确给出答案,可能真正的答案就是张弛有度吧不要低贱卑微也不要膨胀过度——取中庸之道。
对 书名起的很好,看完序就知道会是啥内容。
书名真的很好,读了三分之一发现特别不适合我,观点有启发即便是讲烂的Franklin也能找到角度,可这种一章三名人的写法对于其人陌生的读者就特别劝退,论理又散。作者左右手臂,一边纹着ego is the enemy,另一边纹the obstacle is the way,我暂时理解不了这种。他们美国人讲“when student is ready, the teacher appears“,我们讲“师父领进门,修行看个人”,对靶ego很好,但作者的antidote略挑人,兴许以后特别闲又会重新翻下,暂时不大能欣赏它的妙处,弃。
3.5星吧,为了horn my English skills, 有些词就是老也记不住,有些金句会给我一些警醒,不过ego这个事儿好像没人没有,尤其是不咋地的人。
值得二刷!前面几章真是当头棒喝,拳拳到位,看得我痛哭流涕,决定洗心革面,重新做人。后面就流于鸡汤了。但是还是很好的提醒。对follow the canvas strategy那里和get out of your own head有些观点不能同意。最后,say little, do much; purpose and work in add to passion; humble and always be a student; detach from the outcomes and maintain your own standards of excellence(which can only become higher and higher)!