书籍 Gang Leader for a Day的封面

Gang Leader for a Day

Sudhir Venkatesh


Penguin Press







First introduced in Freakonomics , here is the full story of Sudhir Venkatesh, the sociology grad student who infiltrated one of Chicago's most notorious gangs

The story of the young sociologist who studied a Chicago crack-dealing gang from the inside captured the world's attention when it was first described in Freakonomics . Gang Leader for a Day is the fascinating full story of how Sudhir Venkatesh managed to gain entrŽe into the gang, what he learned, and how his method revolutionized the academic establishment.

When Venkatesh walked into an abandoned building in one of Chicago's most notorious housing projects, he was looking for people to take a multiple-choice survey on urban poverty. A first-year grad student hoping to impress his professors with his boldness, he never imagined that as a result of the assignment he would befriend a gang leader named JT and spend the better part of a decade inside the projects under JT's protection, documenting what he saw there.

Over the next seven years, Venkatesh got to know the neighborhood dealers, crackheads, squatters, prostitutes, pimps, activists, cops, organizers, and officials. From his privileged position of unprecedented access, he observed JT and the rest of the gang as they operated their crack-selling business, conducted PR within their community, and rose up or fell within the ranks of the gang's complex organizational structure.

In Hollywood-speak, Gang Leader for a Day is The Wire meets Harvard University. It's a brazen, page turning, and fundamentally honest view into the morally ambiguous, highly intricate, often corrupt struggle to survive in what is tantamount to an urban war zone. It is also the story of a complicated friendship between Sudhir and JT-two young and ambitious men a universe apart.

"A drug economy, he told me, was ‘useful for the community,’since it redistributed the drug addicts’ money back into the community via the gang’s philanthropy."一笑。在《火线》里就感觉贩毒也只是(百无聊赖的)生活方式之一罢了。
可惜的是兄台是个Sociology的学生 换成我大Anthro的必须比这还深刻精彩
跟在芝加哥黑帮大佬屁股后面做研究的流水账。作者真的naive,大家好像在babysitting「你不能去这里不能去那里不然我没法保护你!」不过看到最后一章J.T.「He's with me」那几句话还是有被感动:(
有点散乱,更像是流水账记录,但是仍然是精彩的。(spy)fly on the wall的观察记录 挺有意思的 最开始是freakanomics里面讲到他
好吧,新鲜感过后,感觉在读写的一般的小说了。不知道这样做qualitative research是否valid