书籍 Swing Time的封面

Swing Time

Zadie Smith


Penguin Press







Two brown girls dream of being dancers--but only one, Tracey, has talent. The other has ideas: about rhythm and time, about black bodies and black music, what constitutes a tribe, or makes a person truly free. It's a close but complicated childhood friendship that ends abruptly in their early twenties, never to be revisited, but never quite forgotten, either...

Dazzlingly energetic and deeply human, Swing Time is a story about friendship and music and stubborn roots, about how we are shaped by these things and how we can survive them. Moving from North-West London to West Africa, it is an exuberant dance to the music of time.

Zadie Smith (born Sadie Smith October 27, 1975) is an English novelist. To date she has written four novels, and is widely regarded as one of England's most talented young authors; in 2003, she was included on Granta's list of 20 best young authors.

a nimble novel about race, class, and identity
初读Zadie Smith 也是从这里发掘了Swing Time的电影 故事值于社会阶层 种族与文化背景 人物间的冲突与鲜少和解的走向又能触及更普适的情感层面 喜欢她的文风 全书的流畅度仿佛有魔力!
有些流俗 但还是蛮想看新的短篇集
As characterized - ambitious. A bit too much for me, with the dense and various elements within...
She wants nothing from anyone yet everyone everywhere makes life decisions (lot of times bad ones) simply because they want to have something to do with her. Her boss’ trophy boys are actually in love with her. Her never practiced dance moves outshine professional dancers and a super star, everything happens around her…enough, Mary Sue, enough.
Overall, not impressed.
是从什么时候开始,我只对两个女孩的故事感兴趣的?贫穷街区的周六舞蹈课上,两个棕色皮肤的漂亮女孩,一眼跨过教堂里所有老师同学,打量对方,确认身份。她虽渺小,却有映照。不惜用自欺欺人的谎言来说服自己,她和我是特别的,只有我们两个能携手对抗全世界。作者把种族问题和女权主义写得真好,“我”的母亲的角色尤其精妙。中间几章西非小学和童年旧事双线并行,看得出作者的野心。时间线跳跃写法时髦,可惜我只对Tracey感兴趣。看完这本书我收回以前对Zadie Smith说过的所有坏话。结尾沦于流俗,要扣掉一颗星。
2018年10月-12月为了选题读过两遍,忘了标记,这会儿连情节也忘得差不多了。当时粗略想到了一个题目(小说中舞蹈仪式的象征作用), 因故搁置。最近在知网上一翻发现当时的主意今年已被旁人写成论文发表。捶地。