书籍 Strangers Drowning的封面

Strangers Drowning

Larissa MacFarquhar


Penguin Press







What does it mean to devote yourself wholly to helping others? In Strangers Drowning, Larissa MacFarquhar seeks out people living lives of extreme ethical commitment and tells their deeply intimate stories; their stubborn integrity and their compromises; their bravery and their recklessness; their joys and defeats and wrenching dilemmas.

A couple adopts two children in distress. But then they think: If they can change two lives, why not four? Or ten? They adopt twenty. But how do they weigh the needs of unknown children in distress against the needs of the children they already have?

Another couple founds a leprosy colony in the wilderness in India, living in huts with no walls, knowing that their two small children may contract leprosy or be eaten by panthers. The children survive. But what if they hadn’t? How would their parents’ risk have been judged?

A woman believes that if she spends money on herself, rather than donate it to buy life-saving medicine, then she’s responsible for the deaths that result. She lives on a fraction of her income, but wonders: when is compromise self-indulgence and when is it essential?

We honor such generosity and high ideals; but when we call people do-gooders there is skepticism in it, even hostility. Why do moral people make us uneasy? Between her stories, MacFarquhar threads a lively history of the literature, philosophy, social science, and self-help that have contributed to a deep suspicion of do-gooders in Western culture.

Through its sympathetic and beautifully vivid storytelling, Strangers Drowning confronts us with fundamental questions about what it means to be human. In a world of strangers drowning in need, how much should we help, and how much can we help? Is it right to care for strangers even at the expense of those we are closest to? Moving and provocative, Strangers Drowning challenges us to think about what we value most, and why.

此书几乎是“不留痕迹得好读”,读者完全不会注意到作者下了什么功夫的那种通顺和阅读舒适感。而书里的内容很惊人,看着看着会让人的喜怒哀乐稍微跳出一下自我小世界的现实。读完,感受很震撼。我想这也是因为作者的写作角度很中肯。对于一个这样题材,如何才能做到感性却并不煽情,理性但无过度解析?这本书似乎是打开了一些新问题,但并不急于要给予解答。 要不是读到这样一本书,可能我永远不会知道这样的人的存在。理想、思想、实践、世界、贫穷、富有。这些都是遥远的事情,突然被一本书拉近了。
Neutral, fascinating, thought-provoking
写得非常好 看的时候让人很不舒服但还想一直看下去 就像推荐语说的 if the book does not provoke or unsettle you, you may not have a pulse. 关于give and receive的讨论非常好 案例也都 选得刚刚好 可能感想还是 don't go to any extremes..吧
爛人或保持沈默的人或漠不關心的人會有self-reflection作用,但那類型的人會看這種書才怪 Everytime stuck at toxic relationship definitely should read this book. But“extreme do-gooder"就像是在罵我,事實上也是在罵我,忍受自己的痛苦尊重大家的痛苦,並期望可以在痛苦中成長或擺脫這種用個人準則作為standard去要求他人,最好的情況是對方完全順我意 罵得好(Delightful as fuck)
非常不喜欢作者反复把do-gooders类比成wartime soldiers 前者是自发的理性的 后者是服从和反理性 这本书议题宏大 然而案例讲的太琐碎了 分析又不够深入 不过总体还是值得一读