书籍 My Brilliant Friend的封面

My Brilliant Friend

Elena Ferrante







My Brilliant Friend is a rich, intense, and generous-hearted story about two friends, Elena and Lila. Ferrante’s inimitable style lends itself perfectly to a meticulous portrait of these two women that is also the story of a nation and a touching meditation on the nature of friendship. The story begins in the 1950s, in a poor but vibrant neighborhood on the outskirts of Naples. Growing up on these tough streets the two girls learn to rely on each other ahead of anyone or anything else. As they grow, as their paths repeatedly diverge and converge, Elena and Lila remain best friends whose respective destinies are reflected and refracted in the other. They are likewise the embodiments of a nation undergoing momentous change. Through the lives of these two women, Ferrante tells the story of a neighborhood, a city, and a country as it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also transform the relationship between her protagonists, the unforgettable Elena and Lila. Ferrante is the author of three previous works of critically acclaimed fiction: The Days of Abandonment, Troubling Love, and The Lost Daughter. With this novel, the first in a quartet, she proves herself to be one of Italy’s great storytellers. She has given her readers a masterfully plotted page-turner, abundant and generous in its narrative details and characterizations, that is also a stylish work of literary fiction destined to delight her many fans and win new readers to her fiction.

"With them I couldn’t use any of what I learned every day, I had to suppress myself, in some way diminish myself." - Elena Ferrante 非常准确地描述了我的日常 书中许多关于阶级身份的自我意识。意大利那时的社会蛮像当下的印度某些地方
最大的困难在于如何准确分辨Rino Nino Gino Sino......
看到第54节心生诸多感慨,其实Lenu从来都是理智和聪慧的。尽管她深深爱慕着Nino,但也会时刻因为Donato的野兽行为和Nino的小肚鸡肠而对他敬而远之。她深知无法控制自己的某些情愫,但却不会变成“恋爱脑”,甚至可以意识到Nino和Donato的如父如子。 Lenu真的也是天才女友,从小对男权社会的反抗和对男人清醒的认知让我佩服。
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