书籍 The Story of a New Name的封面

The Story of a New Name

Elena Ferrante







The second book, following 2012’s acclaimed My Brilliant Friend, featuring the two friends Lila and Elena. The two protagonists are now in their twenties. Marriage appears to have imprisoned Lila. Meanwhile, Elena continues her journey of self-discovery. The two young women share a complex and evolving bond that brings them close at times, and drives them apart at others. Each vacillates between hurtful disregard and profound love for the other. With this complicated and meticulously portrayed friendship at the center of their emotional lives, the two girls mature into women, paying the sometimes cruel price that this passage exacts.

Elena Ferrante is a pseudonymous Italian novelist.

Ferrante is the author of a half dozen novels, including The Lost Daughter (originally published as La figlia oscura, 2006).

In 2012, Europa Editions began publication of English translations of Ferrante's "Neapolitan Novels", a series about two perceptive and intelligent girls from Naples who try to create lives for themselves...


Being a woman is an endless battle against the infatuation from the opposite sex, the hostility from your sisters, the expectation from your family, and the doubt within yourself. It's so good to have a soulmate, to understand you, to support you, to mirror you, and to remind you that everyone has a marvelous journey of her own.
海德格尔(1889-1976)他在《德国大学的自我主张》中写道:希腊人中流传着一个古老的传说:普罗米修斯是第一个哲人。埃斯库罗斯借普罗米修斯之口道出了一句格言,表达了知识的本质:”但知识远不如命运有力量。“这意味着,一切关于事物的知识都预先受到命运的主宰,在命运面前无能为力。 在自己阳台,自己家中,看到三点中,或者半夜醒来看到天亮。我想我不太可能去看第三部,第四部,虽然我搜了那几个人名,试图知道她们后来怎么样了,但是我越来越害怕,因为她再也没有给她真正发光的机会。我想看Lila发光,我失败了。
"回家的路上我开始担心,如果Stefano杀了她怎么办?如果Antonio杀了我呢?我内心充满了焦虑,在充满沙尘的路上疾步快走。此时的周日接近饭点,路上人越来越少。How difficult it was to find one's way, how difficult it was not to violate any of the incredibly detailed male regulations." //Oct 7th 深深感觉我住在Ferrante描述的那不勒斯 大部分人想法都是小地方的想法。
年少时不得、尚未得、时时害怕失去的痛苦,和旺盛的饥渴、假装的虚假荣耀和空虚,寻找、表达、想要挣脱的呐喊,其实到最近一年,最近一年半,才逐渐闭上那个环,开始步入,正轨,吗?也难定义为正,不过是,另一条路。我已完成十五岁时想要达到的,“目标”。如此,死也“圆满”了吗?;) 我也习得,想要的东西、状态,也可以是互相对抗的。平静、圆满、无上荣耀,通过无上沉郁、蔓延的腹痛忧伤而获得,从中取一个时时需要去争取的平衡。并继续活下去。这两个人至此,走了不同的路。谁正?人活着,不过带着胸中一点光,通过平静的热情,经历生活。如此而已。
即使Elena在逐渐成为一个new name的过程中不断对Lila祛魅,但这个新身份的塑造也需要潜在Elena里的lila(或许只是她这样觉得),但无论她如何活出自我,她还是觉得跟lila or nino比起来,她还是不够。
看了不到三分之一弃了 实在太讨厌作者了 只有第一本能看
叙事方式琐碎直白甚至有些平庸,但偶有极富力量的描述,且展现出对人心人性的敏锐感知。边读边想到Returning to Reims,回归故里的陌生感、熟悉感、背叛感与无可断绝的连结感都异曲同工,但在女作者笔下男性谱系显得愈加陌生和残暴,使得Elena与Lila都仿如无根浮萍。