书籍 The Culture Map的封面

The Culture Map

Erin Meyer







Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to your own. Renowned expert Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain where people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together.When you have Americans who precede anything negative with three nice comments French, Dutch, Israelis, and Germans who get straight to the point ( your presentation was simply awful ) Latin Americans and Asians who are steeped in hierarchy Scandinavians who think the best boss is just one of the crowd,the result can be, well, sometimes interesting, even funny, but often disastrous.Even with English as a global language, it's easy to fall into cultural traps that endanger careers and sink deals when, say, a Brazilian manager tries to fathom how his Chinese suppliers really get things done, or an American team leader tries to get a handle on the intra-team dynamics between his Russian and Indian team members.In The Culture Map , Erin Meyer provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business. She combines a smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice for succeeding in a global world.

An American based in France, ERIN MEYER is a professor at INSEAD, one of the world’s leading international business schools. She is program director for INSEAD’s Managing Global Virtual Teams and Management Skills for International Business executive education programs. She has written for the Harvard Business Review, Singapore Business Times, and Forbes.com. In 2013 Erin was s...


我觉得这本书最震撼最可贵的地方,是去从根本上理解和自己完全不同的文化的出发点。比如,为什么印度拉丁美洲的人会插队会迟到,因为根本上那是在他们所处的环境下最有效的处理方式,是和linear scheduling完全不同的flexible scheduling的底层逻辑。破除偏见和质疑,破除自我文化中心论,才是有效合作沟通的根本。
非常易读。看每个principle的时候理解了很多北欧公司的处事风格,但是在最后的最后才知道,每个人都是不一样的,不能嚷cultural difference蒙蔽了和人真诚交流的心。
culture spectrum might be more accurate, a lot of quite good examples
很多时候不敢确定是性格还是文化,在处事中遇到不理解或者被误解的时候有点不知道如何归因或者要不要commit改变自己, 这本书给了很好的很全局的视角!超级有启发!
Low Context和High Context文化的差异,了解之后可以帮助理解很多跨文化沟通的问题。
- 整本书用序章提出的八个维度来分析文化背景差异对global business team管理、沟通上的影响和一些应该如何应对的tips。我觉得很实用,不一定是要管理层,对于怎么更好的理解跟自己不同国籍、不同文化背景的teammate也很有帮助。书的当中为了证明论点举了好多个国家的事例来进行分析也很开眼界。虽然有点地方有可能会觉得“我们这里不这样,不能说死吧”,但也有很多地方让我觉得so true😅简直可以对号入座。读来参考肯定肯定不会是浪费时间。
在国际企业工作的人都该读一读的书 一句话takeaway: 意识到文化差异 然后结合不同工作方法中的优点 去打造一个更强的团队 - be fluid in your work/leadership styles