书籍 Real Tigers的封面

Real Tigers

Mick Herron


Soho Crime







London: Slough House is the MI5 branch where disgraced operatives are reassigned after they’ve messed up too badly to be trusted with real intelligence work. The “Slow Horses,” as the failed spies of Slough House are called, are doomed to spend the rest of their careers pushing paper, but they all want back in on the action.

When one of their own is kidnapped and held for ransom, the agents of Slough House must defeat the odds, overturning all expectations of their competence, to breach the top-notch security of MI5’s intelligence headquarters, Regent’s Park, and steal valuable intel in exchange for their comrade’s safety. The kidnapping is only the tip of the iceberg, however—the agents uncover a larger web of intrigue that involves not only a group of private mercenaries but the highest authorities in the Secret Service. After years spent as the lowest on the totem pole, the Slow Horses suddenly find themselves caught in the midst of a conspiracy that threatens not only the future of Slough House, but of MI5 itself.

Mick Herron was born in Newcastle and has a degree in English from Balliol College, Oxford. He is the author of eight other novels, Down Cemetery Road, The Last Voice You Hear, Why We Die, Smoke and Whispers, Reconstruction, Slow Horses, Dead Lions, and Nobody Walks, as well as the novella The List. His work has been nominated for the Macavity, Barry, Shamus, and CWA Steel Dagg...


每次的开头和结尾都借用某个视角带我们巡视整个slough house。不懂为什么要给shirely设定嗑药,另外,这次的结局有点含糊其辞,好像没有交待清楚,意犹未尽的感觉。
三星半欠点。Lady Di上位原来书里是在这本啊。
PJ在Tearney的口袋里,Tarvener在PJ的口袋里(or is she?),但是倒头来所有人都在Lamb的口袋里。
不算很page turner,毒舌的部分还是很好读的,结尾有些worn out,我真的很想问Louisa的那个问题remind me whose sides we are on’【剧透吐槽】大热天的唱xm颂歌什么鬼呀!