书籍 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them的封面

100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Teiva Harsanyi








Spot errors in your Go code you didn’t even know you were making and boost your productivity by avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls.

100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them shows you how to:

Dodge the most common mistakes made by Go developers

Structure and organize your Go application

Handle data and control structures efficiently

Deal with errors in an idiomatic manner

Improve your concurrency skills

Optimize your code

Make your application production-ready and improve testing quality

100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them puts a spotlight on common errors in Go code you might not even know you’re making. You’ll explore key areas of the language such as concurrency, testing, data structures, and more—and learn how to avoid and fix mistakes in your own projects. As you go, you’ll navigate the tricky bits of handling JSON data and HTTP services, discover best practices for Go code organization, and learn how to use slices efficiently.

1 Go: Simple to learn but hard to master
2 Code and project organization
3 Data types
4 Control structures
5 Strings

#56有误,GMP模型一节的GOMAXPROCS对应的是P的数量,不是M的数量。 5星,本书没有深入底层细节,很适合我这种对底层机制兴趣不大的人,查缺补漏,写好业务代码。
除了那些应该贴在屏幕上的规范,还学到了大量匪夷所思的优化技巧。 举个例子,按照降序重新排列结构体的字段后可以得到更紧凑的内存分布。