书籍 Nine Pints的封面

Nine Pints

Rose George







Blood carries life, yet the sight of it makes people faint. It is a waste product and a commodity pricier than oil. It can save lives and transmit deadly infections. Each one of us has roughly nine pints of it, yet many don’t even know their own blood type. And for all its ubiquity, the few tablespoons of blood discharged by 800 million women are still regarded as taboo; menstruation is perhaps the single most demonized biological event.

Rose George, author of The Big Necessity, is renowned for her intrepid work on topics that are invisible but vitally important. In Nine Pints, she takes us from ancient practices of bloodletting to modern “hemovigilance” teams that track blood-borne diseases. She introduces Janet Vaughan, who set up the world’s first system of mass blood donation during the Blitz, and Arunachalam Muruganantham, known as “Menstrual Man” for his work on sanitary pads for developing countries. She probes the lucrative business of plasma transfusions, in which the U.S. is known as the “OPEC of plasma.” And she looks to the future, as researchers seek to bring synthetic blood to a hospital near you.

Spanning science and politics, stories and global epidemics, Nine Pints reveals our life's blood in an entirely new light.

作者Rose是一名记者不是生物医疗专家,所以这部作品也是以讲故事的形式完成的。故事主题有关于献血、医疗用血、放血疗法、血液传染病、血友病、月经、失血急救、和未来展望。每个主题下用一个个类似期刊文章的小故事为读者展现出一个我们知道但又完全不了解的世界。故事精彩纷呈,写法诙谐轻松。 不过也许因为个人预期的原因, 我对这本书还是有些不满。我真的认为这本书能够有更多科学理论上讲解。比如Biotech对血友病和SCD等罕见血液疾病疗程的研发、基因疗法等,这类科技话题竟被一笔带过。另外就是书中太多个人感情色彩,一本关于血液的书竟然有两章是写月经和女人们因为月经不幸的遭遇。有不少对贫穷地区的没文化和男女不平等讥讽。
Read because of Bill Gate's recommendation. Eye opening book which covers various blood related topics. Link to Gatesnotes: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Books/Nine-Pints
Amazing explainer & context info for HIV, Hepatitis and other blood related diseases- shockingly realize that there needs to be a realization of how powerless we still are against what’s inside my body.