书籍 No Visible Bruises的封面

No Visible Bruises

Rachel Louise Snyder







We call it domestic violence. We call it private violence. Sometimes we call it intimate terrorism. But whatever we call it, we generally do not believe it has anything at all to do with us, despite the World Health Organization deeming it a “global epidemic.” In America, domestic violence accounts for 15 percent of all violent crime, and yet it remains locked in silence, even as its tendrils reach unseen into so many of our most pressing national issues, from our economy to our education system, from mass shootings to mass incarceration to #MeToo. We still have not taken the true measure of this problem.

In No Visible Bruises, journalist Rachel Louise Snyder gives context for what we don't know we're seeing. She frames this urgent and immersive account of the scale of domestic violence in our country around key stories that explode the common myths-that if things were bad enough, victims would just leave; that a violent person cannot become nonviolent; that shelter is an adequate response; and most insidiously that violence inside the home is a private matter, sealed from the public sphere and disconnected from other forms of violence. Through the stories of victims, perpetrators, law enforcement, and reform movements from across the country, Snyder explores the real roots of private violence, its far-reaching consequences for society, and what it will take to truly address it.

Rachel Louise Snyder is a writer, professor and public radio commentator. Her first book Fugitive Denim: A Moving Story of People and Pants in the Borderless World of Global Trade was published in 2007 by WW Norton. An excerpt of the book –aired on This American Life and won an Overseas Press Club Award. Her second book, a novel set in Oak Park, Illinois and entitled What We’ve...


Focus on the logic behind abuses.
非常感动,并且因为负罪感而特别有力量。Everyone should bear this same guilt, both as a survivor and also as a member of the malfunctioning society who have failed to make it a little better for Dorothy to survive. 印象最深刻的是作者跟狱警对峙之后的那段自省,希望我也可以更频繁地自省。
一周多时间读完这本书,作者是一位很会讲故事的journalist, 通过几个鲜活的例子和故事为我们阐明了这三个问题: 1为什么受害者不离开?2. 施暴者是怎样的人,他们可以被教育成不施暴的人吗?3. 现今(美国的)一线反家暴工作人员都做了哪些从政策方面到评估方面到合作方面的种种努力来去为受害者们争取权益,帮助她们建立新的生活和希望?作为一个咨询师,看完受益良多,也希望通过阅读,自己以后如果有来访者是家暴受害者的话,我可以有多一点的同理心和知识去支持他们。https://www.thehotline.org/2020/03/13/staying-safe-during-covid-19/ 分享美国反家暴全天24小时可以随时在线或者打电话咨询的网站,里面有大量的资源。愿每一个人都被善良对待。
斯德哥爾摩綜合症與枷鎖 (16~17年 中國境內家暴導死638起 789名成人和兒童死亡 家暴致死超過1 人/day 大部分…為女性
一本让想当然地觉得自己离家暴很远彻底改变观点的书,作者作为一名记者采访过家暴受害者、施暴者、两方的家属以及司法人员和社会工作者,用几个典型也轰动的案例提出问题:为什么受害者不离开?关于反家暴的立法和对受害者的保护现状又是如何?如何判断有家暴倾向的red flags?案例都是发生在枪支合法的美国,枪支泛滥是不是也是各种家暴死亡案件的因素之一?觉得作者很诚恳地希望自己的这本书可以让更多的人看到可以对推进反家暴起到积极的作用。
第一章和第二章写得很好,到了第三章开始就快速略过了,解决了一些经常听到的问题,比如“为什么受害者不离开”,探讨了“施暴者为什么不离开”,提出了“这些举动可以减少我们受到伤害的可能性”。伤害可以降临在任何人身上——you think you are normal, we are crazy, but you are not that far from crazy。