书籍 Balance的封面


Andrew Hallam


Macmillan USA







The new book from Andrew Hallam, author of the bestselling book Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School.

Andrew Hallam demonstrates how you can optimize your income for maximum happiness by investing responsibly and living according to your values. Drawing on behavioural science, evidence-based investing, and environmental science, comes a personal finance guide that shows how to maximize happiness through intentional spending, saving, and investing.


About The Book

Who’s happier, a family of adventurers traveling in a motorhome or a family earning millions of dollars and buying the very best stuff? There’s no way to answer that question. But after traveling the world for seven years, I know where the odds are higher. This is based on anecdotal observations and robust, behavioral scientific studies. And those stories and studies are referenced in, Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health and Wealth.

Sure, the book explains evidence-based strategies for providing the best odds of success in the stock market. But it’s more than that. It helps you answer important questions:

How can we boost longevity, wealth and happiness?

When it comes to spending, what sorts of purchases really enhance happiness? And yes, some material purchases do!

How should we define success? And based on that definition, how can your children be successful?

We all want the best out of life. So allow this book to take you on a holistic journey of success.

My Personal Journey

If you didn’t grow up in a wealthy household, you and I probably have plenty in common. My dad was a mechanic, and my mom worked part-time at a retail store, earning slightly more than minimum wage. As one of four children, my parents expected me to pay for my own college education. Perhaps I developed an early respect for money because I didn’t have any, gr...


Chapter 1 The Grim Reaper Asks
What Do You Value More, Your Stuff Or Your Life?
Chapter 2 Would You Say NO To A High-Paying Job?
Binding Happiness, Health, Income, and Location
Chapter 3 Your Real Superpower
