书籍 The Antinomies Of Realism的封面

The Antinomies Of Realism

Fredric Jameson









"Antinomies of Realism" is Jameson's major study of the nineteenth-century realist novel from a comparative perspective, covering the major literary traditions of Western Europe and the United States. It reviews the most influential theories of artistic and literary realism--and takes an approach based on the social and historical preconditions for its emergence. These combine an attention to the body and its states of feeling as well as to the categories of individualism and temporality (or history). They are studied in a range of major authors, including Zola, Tolstoy, Perez Galdos, and George Eliot.

The very notion of such a synthesis or symbiosis implies the approach of a moment in which its two basic impulses begin again to separate, and this explains the gradual supersession of classical realism in the novel by the various forms of what we call modernism. A coda then explains the survival of "realistic" narratives after the end of classical realism--it is in effect a proposal for the study of popular fiction and mass culture.

Fredric Jameson is Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature at Duke University. The author of numerous books, he has over the last three decades developed a richly nuanced vision of Western culture’s relation to political economy. He was a recipient of the 2008 Holberg International Memorial Prize. He is the author of many books, including Postmodernism, Or, The Cultur...


难读,质量高,需要细细钻研 读后感:论证部分很有意思,最后两章讨论历史小说和科幻小说非常有意思,颠覆了我对科幻小说的认知,很棒!推荐。
和詹明信一起结束这一年。。“the most valuable works are those that make their points by way of form rather than content, that relativize their themes and ideas, their ‘meanings,’ to the benefit of formal demonstrations that do not require interpretation to ‘produce’ their problems.” TRUE DAT🤣