书籍 Socket.IO Real-Time Web Application Development的封面

Socket.IO Real-Time Web Application Development

Rai, Rohit







The expectations of users for interactivity withweb applications have changed over the past few years. No more does the user want to press the refresh button to check if new messages have arrived in their inbox; people expect to see updates in their applications in real-time. Mass multiplayer online games have given up the requirement of plugins and are built entirely in JavaScript. Socket.io enables you to build these highly interactive applications that work cross-browser.

Socket.io Real-time Web Application Development - is a guide to building, deploying, and scaling highly interactive real-time web applications using socket.io. This book will guide you through the building of a chat system using Node.js and socket.io, helping you get familiar with various features of the framework. Going further it will empower you to deploy and scale your applications in production.

短小精悍,很好,跟着走完awechat的例子,Socket.IO可能可以掌握。唯一的问题就是现在这些库更新太快了,书中很多API都已经deprecate了,所以主要看概念,然后对着官网的doc来学。补充一下:https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io/blob/master/examples/chat/ 这个其实好多了。
这本书是唯一专讲socket.io的书,至少从书名上看来是这样的。实际上,总共没有几章,总共140页的小书,前两章东扯西扯一些Node.js的基础知识,后面讲socket.io的内容:第一,内容太浅,论新旧程度甚至还不如官方入门文档(都讲如何构建一个Chat),第二,使用的是socket.io 0.9版本,目前最新的应该是1.3.5。应该是比较适合新接触Node.js,想做Real-Time通信的人吧,我觉得不太适合已经比较熟悉Node.js,像专门研究一下Real-Time通信的人,或者是已经非常熟悉Real-Time的人。