书籍 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind的封面

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Yuval Noah Harari







"I would recommend Sapiens to anyone who’s interested in the history and future of our species" (Bill Gates)

"Interesting and provocative… It gives you a sense of how briefly we’ve been on this Earth" (Barack Obama)

"Jaw dropping from the first word to the last… It may be the best book I’ve ever read" (Chris Evans)

"Tackles the biggest questions of history and the modern world… Written in unforgettably vivid language" (Jared Diamond)

"Startling... It changes the way you look at the world" (Simon Mayo)

"I would recommend Sapiens to anyone who’s interested in the history and future of our species"

"Interesting and provocative… It gives you a sense of how briefly we’ve been on this Earth"

"Jaw dropping from the first word to the last… It may be the best book I’ve ever read"

"Tackles the biggest questions of history and the modern world… Written in unforgettably vivid language"

"Startling... It changes the way you look at the world"

Dr Yuval Noah Harari has a PhD in History from the University of Oxford and now lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specialising in World History. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind has become an international phenomenon attracting a legion of fans from Bill Gates and Barack Obama to Chris Evans and Jarvis Cocker, and is published in over 45 languages worldwide. ...


"发展"(development)和"进步"(progress)不能混为一谈;人类智识的发育速度已经和身体的衍化的速度脱节了;military-industrial complex其实应该是military-science-industrial complex
Two absolutely remarkable ideas embedded in the book: Something seems to be around the corner will always flop due to an unforeseeable barrier; More horrifying than asking yourself, "who do you want to be" is to contemplate on "what do you want to want." The part before the agricultural era really blows me away, but a huge chunk is standing fish.
重复的观点后面越来越多。作者vegan的倾向好明显。喜欢关于state, community, family 的论述。关于货币,市场,工业革命的论述感觉就是大概高中文科班历史教科书的深度。四星因为排比句很多很好读,扣一星因为是畅销书。