书籍 Old Babes in the Wood的封面

Old Babes in the Wood

Margaret Atwood







A dazzling collection of fifteen stories from Margaret Atwood, the internationally acclaimed, award-winning author of The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments.

Margaret Atwood is celebrated as one of the most gifted storytellers in the world.

These stories explore the full warp and weft of experience, from two best friends disagreeing about their shared past, to the right way to stop someone from choking; from a daughter determining if her mother really is a witch, to what to do with inherited relics such as World War II parade swords.

They feature beloved cats, a confused snail, Martha Gellhorn, George Orwell, philosopher-astronomer-mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria, a cabal of elderly female academics, and an alien tasked with retelling human fairy tales.

At the heart of the collection is a stunning sequence that follows a married couple as they travel the road together, the moments big and small that make up a long life of love—and what comes after.

The glorious range of Atwood's creativity and humanity is on full beam in these tales, which by turns delight, illuminate and quietly devastate.

Margaret Atwood is the author of more than fifty books of fiction, poetry and critical essays. Her novels include Cat's Eye, The Robber Bride, Alias Grace, The Blind Assassin and the MaddAddam trilogy. Her 1985 classic, The Handmaid's Tale, was followed in 2019 by a sequel, The Testaments, which was a global number one bestseller and shared the Booker Prize. In 2020 she publish...


Imp and Pat
没有特别出彩的,还是更喜欢Book 2里面有趣的架空世界。还有我要吐槽一下虽然Atwood本人读了部分的有声书但是她读的实在太无聊了😂😂😂就感觉她非常不情愿地在读,声音很低沉也很没起伏...最后,Tig这个名字somehow很踩我雷点,加上Tig这个角色我也不太喜欢,就很烦Tig和Nell共同出现的Book1。
I am sorry, we don’t have a word for that.
很有趣的一本short stories collection. Nell & Tig 系列里最喜欢的是first aid, 我也想有个在moose sexually attracted to Volkswagen Beetle时节仍然一起胆战心惊地去camping的人啊! 第二部分有几个很quirky的故事,最喜欢的是Impatient Griselda- 很cute的给quarantined地球人讲血腥爱情(?)故事的外星人;Metempsychosis - 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶; Freeforall - 和title背道而驰的年代。Atwood上了年纪,风格也有了转变,对于lifestyle of senior people以及我们共同的那个结局的观察和思考充满了整本书。也挺好的~
一个短篇集,Part II比较有意思,一些短篇sci-fi/fantasy以及故事重述,Impatient Griselda我可太喜欢了!讲故事的调调敏锐又灵巧,另外The Dead Interview印象也很深,阿特伍德对话奥威尔,睿智但又有点quirky的对话,Metempsychosis是蜗牛意外变成人之后的“做人没意思”,除此之外的Part I和Part III是一系列有关一对老夫妇Nell & Tig的故事,Part I里的感觉整体比较琐碎,但是Part III里Nell dealing with grief的部分却很动人,整本书总体感觉比较平,但是时不时有一些sparkle加上阿特伍德沉稳的prose让我觉得还是值得的,