书籍 A Life Beyond Boundaries的封面

A Life Beyond Boundaries

Benedict Anderson









An intellectual memoir by the author of the acclaimed Imagined Communities

Benedict Anderson is one of the leading historians of nationalism and Southeast Asia. His seminal book Imagined Commu-nities has changed the way we think about the reason why people live, die and kill in the name of nation-hood.

Born in China, Anderson spent his childhood in California and Ireland, was educated in England and finally found a home at Cornell University, where he immersed himself in the growing field of Southeast Asian studies. After field work in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, he was banned from Suharto’s Indonesia for disputing the legitimacy of the 1965 coup. In his memoir, he brings to life the intellectual formation of a life spent open to the world, resisting the easy comforts of imagined homes: the joys of learning languages; the importance of field work; the influence of the New Left upon global think-ing; and the satisfactions of teaching.

Benedict Anderson was Aaron L. Binenkorp Professor of International Studies Emeritus at Cornell University. He was editor of the journal Indonesia and author of Java in a Time of Revolution, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World and Imagined Communities.

1.好看可读性强,长知识八卦。想起《摩洛哥田野作业》,但本尼迪克特·安德森的研究并非人类学角度的,而着重于社会体系,民族认同。 2.欧洲中心。 3.作家本人及其家族可谓贵族加传奇了兄弟Gary Anderson走的也是伊顿牛剑路线,虽然方向不一样,都是大学者。 4.回忆录包括个人和研究环境。研究环境我认为是最有价值的一部分。对东南亚研究的开始基于什么理由,冷战结束后对发展方向,彼时的局限性在哪。 5.frog的隐喻:坐井观天。 6.他的《想象的共同体》不好翻译,因为他写作时是有一个debate对象的:the UKintelligentsia。因此文中有很多英语母语人士能理解的段子,作为外国人不好理解也翻译不出的地方。
"...How to use a language to make things so remote also frightening, tragic and understandable."
Frog under coconut shell is a strong metaphor indicating the limited horizon formed by one's upbringing,only by efforts of endless endeavor to develop habits of observation and comparison and keeping in mind that our culture is not superior or inferior,could one understand the freedom built by less prejudiced thinking.
Look what I have found!! 不是我读不完用英语写的书 是它们太无聊啦 见字如见人 书籍才是最好的朋友 这一年来大部分思索的问题都在这里找得到 Frogs of the world UNITE!
“Frogs in their fight for emancipation will only lose by crouching in their murky coconut half-shells.” Also, you can be a patriot, but also a clear-eyed humanist.
三月最佳。 @2020-04-02 23:22:23