书籍 Doctor Who: The Ruby’s Curse的封面

Doctor Who: The Ruby’s Curse

Alex Kingston


BBC Books







She's got ice in her heart and a kiss on her lips...

1939, New York. Private Eye, Melody Malone, is hired to find a stolen ruby, the Eye of Horus. The ruby might hold the secret to the location of Cleopatra's tomb - but everyone who comes into contact with it dies. Can Melody escape the ruby's curse?

1939, New York. River Song, author of the Melody Malone Mysteries, is forced to find a reality-altering weapon, the Eye of Horus - but everyone who comes into contact with it dies. River doesn't believe in curses - but is she wrong?

From the top-security confines of Stormcage to the barbarism of first-century Egypt, River battles to find the Eye of Horus before its powers are used to transform the universe. To succeed, she must team up with a most unlikely ally - her own fictional alter ego, Melody. And together they must solve another mystery: Is fiction changing into fact - or is fact changing into fiction?

Alex Kingston,River Song扮演者

写得真好 最后的套娃很喜欢(不) 我觉得故事里的river看到自己故事里的melody这么想在现实生活中活下去 也这么义无反顾和勇敢地和(此处不想剧透)斗争,没想到一个paper person有这么强大的生命力 能够感动到现实生活中的人类 这种思考很有意思 就像这个IP里面的人物对于我们的影响一样
意外地非常好看 非常有想法 但是也能看出来第一次写书有点用力过猛 想要把一切科幻的feature都放进去 最后有点杂了 但是瑕不掩瑜 想不到Alex是个好演员还是个好作家 了不起了