书籍 Duty Free Art的封面

Duty Free Art

Hito Steyerl









What is the function of art in the era of digital gloablisation?

How can one think of art institutions in an age defined by planetary civil war, growing inequality, and proprietary digital technology? The boundaries of such institutions have grown fuzzy. They extend from a region where the audience is pumped for tweets to a future of “neurocurating,” in which paintings surveil their audience via facial recognition and eye tracking to assess their popularity and to scan for suspicious activity.

In Duty Free Art, filmmaker and writer Hito Steyerl wonders how we can appreciate, or even make art, in the present age.

What can we do when arms manufacturers sponsor museums, and some of the world’s most valuable artworks are used as currency in a global futures market detached from productive work? Can we distinguish between information, fake news, and the digital white noise that bombards our everyday lives? Exploring subjects as diverse as video games, WikiLeaks files, the proliferation of freeports, and political actions, she exposes the paradoxes within globalization, political economies, visual culture, and the status of art production.

Hito Steyerl is one of the leading artists working in video today. Her work explores the divisions between art, philosophy, and politics. She has had solo exhibitions at, among others, MOCA, LA; the Reina Sofia, Madrid; and the ICA, London. She has participated in the Venice Biennale, Shanghai Biennale, Documenta, and Manifesta. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Ta...


黑头的书一定要看五年以上 现在已经看了两年了
还挺有趣的。很多欧陆哲学的影子,透过当代艺术和时事共同折射成形。这么多分析却没有呈现新的有特别洞见的世界观,很可惜。关于scam、spam和duty free art的几章值得再读。
有时候很有洞见,有时候非常含糊;说“互联网死了不是比喻”实际上只是一个用否定句强化的比喻,同理拉康说“信封就是文字不是比喻”也仅仅只是比喻而已。Hito修辞非常不错,简洁有力,骂人花哨又幽默,非常快乐 @2021-03-29 06:42:29
何不食肉糜新解:If you don't have bread, just eat art
Hito Steyerl可以说是quintessential german media theorist了