书籍 Checkout 19的封面

Checkout 19

Claire-Louise Bennett


Jonathan Cape







'We read in order to come to life.'

With fierce imagination, a woman revisits the moments that shape her life; from crushes on teachers to navigating relationships in a fast-paced world; from overhearing her grandmothers' peculiar stories to nurturing her own personal freedom and a boundless love of literature.

Fusing fantasy with lived experience, Checkout 19 is a vivid and mesmerising journey through the small traumas and triumphs that define us - as readers, as writers, as human beings.

Claire-Louise Bennett grew up in Wiltshire and studied literature and drama at the University of Roehampton, before moving to Ireland where she worked in and studied theatre for several years. In 2013 she was awarded the inaugural White Review Short Story Prize and her debut book, Pond, was shortlisted for the Dylan Thomas Prize in 2016. Claire-Louise's fiction and essays have ...


‘We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.’
yeah we tend to do that don’t we
Look and substance
奇思异想 片断回忆 编的故事 看过的作者和他们的书(我对看过很多书的作者有天然好感)…连续密集地输出 无完整的情节脉络 像她站在收银台时脑海中的意识捕捉 以及自我对话。我打开这本书前正好看完一个女孩的回忆 这本的第一章就引用了它~